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F/n's POV-

It's never always cold in the East Nation.

The snow never seems to thaw.

There are no stars, nor the days recorded.

Just endless winter.

The clouds. They would deceive one's mind that the sun might finally peak out its warm rays, only to shower with more snow and icy weather.

The East Nation is a white world of frost.

The wind from the eyesore windows, whistling calmly as I lazily flutter my [e/c] eyes, savoring every shiver to scar my [s/c] brittled skin.

I had no clue how many days have gone.

How long have I spent in this small four-walled cage?

My clothes went grey with age, they have already outgrown me, then years must be the accurate time.

The cold, murky floors has been my bed, the castle rodents were my companions, the roaches would be my only entertainment source. My bare feet were thin and cold wet, with scathy and unhealthily long toenails.

Some nights, the skies would actually clear and the night light of the world would shine over the lands.

The moon.

That taunting blue moon.

Whenever it peers up, my vision starts to blur, probably from the dehydration. And I wake up the next morrow, with a bad taste on my tongue. My dress even more raggedy, the sleeves ripped to shreds and the foul stench of rotting meat permeating.

I awaken, body is numb, cold, dead; moving around seemed like a dull point. I would embrace fresh wounds, stinging me with the killer aid of the unforgiving winter cold hitting me awake. And I would swear that the collar shackle on my neck tightens every time.

I haven't slept. I haven't eaten right.

I miss my bed.

I miss my family. My parents, mother...father. Their warmth, their embraces...all feels foreign to me.

I miss the life before all this.

I have forgotten. Forgotten the feeling.

The feeling for family. For a friend.

Whenever the ever lump of melancholy and loneliness would creep up my throat, I would close my eyes.

See the green grass, fresh lush grounds, magnificent flora, a meadow with a bed of gorgeous flowers.

All woodland creatures were free to happily forage as the warm spring sun shines on my face.

6 years old. No care in the world. I would run out the castle walls and escape to that special place, I called it...little sanctuary.

With a flute in my hands, sitting upon a rock with a grand shallow stream, taking off my shoes as I dip my feet on the warm water, above me was a willow with sprouted flowers; blue butterflies fluttering to the great blue skies.

I would play a tune, the very one I've loved to play, it was our Nation's proud anthem. It would calm darkened hearts into rejoice; their souls filled with love. A song that has brought the East Nation together.

But the screams of distress from the dark cells would awaken me from my daydreams, and that's what they stayed as.


From the sweet melodic, to bitter melancholic.

Back to the cold, abyss-dark dungeons I was forced to call home. And yet still, the blurriness in my eyes would tend to piss me off.

Suddenly, the old creaky dungeon doors opened, I didn't even have a pint of will in my body to lift my head or even care to look up.

Because it was him again.

Whenever I heard the creaky doors, there was this one soul; a fellow prisoner - an old man. He was removed from the cells, and it was only once. I would've heard the doors a second time to think that soul returned.

That soul never came back.

"Get her up." A voice commanded.

I could only make out 3 pairs of feet, 2 pairs were silver; I could guess those were the guards - and one pair had black boots.

"Yes, sir." The guards obeyed. I groaned in slight protest, as they unshackled my neck collar, my head fell dead low, lifeless, my long [H/c] tresses showered over my face, a few pasty streaks stuck to my [S/c] skin onto my cold and bloody sweat.

My feet dragged down onto the floors as the guards carried my arms without any sense of empathy in their body language. this it?

Is it finally my time?

Goodbye life.

It was gloomy while it lasted.


End Of Prologue


[Author: Ola! Hi there, Lebzachan here. So I've been fantasizing of a fantasy fairytaled My Hero eversince I laid my eyes on the Season 2 end theme.

I had this as a side story in my Katsuki × OC but then I decided to take it and make it as a story on its own. Then after watching too much Snow White the Huntsman and Mirror Mirror. I suddenly grew ideas for my own bit. It won't be like Snow White though. Keeping copyright in perfect order.

So, what do you think of the Prologue? I still think that it needs to be modified a bit though. But I can't wait to tell you the tales in this story. I'm actually frothing in joy right now.

Vote and Comment please.

Lebzachan is out suckas! Peace✌!

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