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"I'll come to your dorm" Vernon said through the call. "It's kinda late tho" Dahyun said looking at her window. "But I can't sleep, I can hear Jeonghan and Seungcheol bickering from here" Vernon said, chuckling. "Let's just meet? And eat, alright?" Dahyun suggested and smile even tho she knew the guy won't see her smile. "Yes, please!" He said excitedly. "Wait for me, I'm on my way" He added. "I'll be waiting for you, then" Dahyun said and dropped the call. "Who's that?" And that scared the shit out of Dahyun. "It's Hansol" Dahyun answered. "It's late? Why would he call?" Nayeon asked and smirked. "We're going to meet each other" Dahyun said, trying not to stutter.

"And why the hell are you stuttering?!" She said and raised her eyebrows. "I'm not" Dahyun said, trying not to stutter as she smile awkwardly. "I need to go" Dahyun said and ran away from her.

As she open the door she hurriedly ran but Vernon was right infront of the door making her bump on the guy's chest. "Ouch, Your chest is so hard as a rock" Dahyun complained while massaging her forehead. "I'm sorry, but why are you running tho?" He asked. "Y'know, Nayeon teased me and I got embarrassed so i ran" Dahyun said as they started walking.

"Seungcheol and Jeonghan kept bickering, my precious ears" Vernon said and sigh. Dahyun just pat his back. "Just let them be, they'll eventually stop" Dahyun said and smile. "Let's sit for awhile" Dahyun said and pointed at the bench near the tree. "Tell me anything" Dahyun said and smile. "Their bickering sometimes turned into some serious stuff" Vernon said and sigh once again. "After the news about him and you know who, I don't know it seems off" Vernon said. "Jeongyeon's kinda fine, it's just that she also seem off. Different from before?" Dahyun said, not quietly sure.

"It was Jeonghan's mom fault anyway" Vernon said. "It's no one's fault" Dahyun said and smile as she lay my hands to his shoulder. "We should go and eat before it closes" She said and stood up pulling him up with her.

"You know? I was very lucky to have you" He said while smiling at me. "So do I" Dahyun said and smile to him as they started walking back to their dorm. Having a wonderful and healing night together.


[a/n : it's lame ikr]

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