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3rd person's point of view

The next evening everyone gather w/o Bambam since he need to record. The hyung line sets up an campfire for the 22 of us.

"I just wanna know if your an omega, beta or alpha" Hoshi said. "She's an alpha" Jeongyeon said and pointed at Nayeon. "And your a beta" Nayeon said and pointed at Jeongyeon. "As for me i think I'm also an beta" Sana said. "I'm beta, since i kinda get along with others" Seungcheol said. "I'm a beta also" Jeonghan answered. "I'm beta i only get along with limited person" Joshua answered. "He's a beta" Minghao answered for Jun that made us all laugh. "He's alpha, obviously" Jihoon said as Soonyoung was about to answer. Soonyoung just nodded in agreement. "Definitely an omega" Everyone said in sync when Wonwoo was about to answer. "A beta with a slight omega" Soonyoung said as Jihoon was about to talk. Jihoon just nodded. "I'm an alpha, I guess" Mingyu said. "Don't hesitate, your an alpha" Tzuyu said as we all laugh. "I'm an alpha with slight beta" Seungkwan answered. "Definitely" Jihyo said. "I'm same with Seungkwannie" Seokmin said. "I don't know if I'm an omega or beta" Minghao said and laugh. "You became an beta within this days" Momo said and smile. "Well, kinda" Minghao said and laugh. "As of for me i think I'm between Alpha and Beta" Momo said. "Your confident and somehow your worried about your imperfections" Hoshi said. "Jihyo is a half alpha and a half of beta, period" Jeongyeon said and laugh. "It's kinda true" Jihyo said. "I'm beta" Tzuyu said not wanting to talk. "I think alpha suits me more" Dahyun said and chuckle. "Your my alpha and I'm your omega" Vernon said making everyone laugh nor smile. "I'm an alpha" Chan said. "And I'll be your alpha" Chan said while looking at Chae. "I need to go, see ya tomorrow" Chaeyoung said as she noticed how Chan was looking at her. "That's smooth but guess what? She didn't like it" Seungkwan said teasing Chan. "Let's just feel the warmness on this fire" Seungcheol said. Vernon walked to my side and sat beside where Chae was seated before.

"Thank you for being my alpha" Vernon said and smile. "I'll always be your alpha" Dahyun said and ruffle Vernon's hair.

"I hope Vernon would fight for his love rather than hurting their selves" Jun whispered to Sana as they we're looking at and Vernon. "How i wish" Sana said as she felt Jun's head resting on her shoulder.

A sudden idea came to Nayeon's head. "Let's play a game!" She shouted. "What kind of game?" Soonyoung asked. "Truth or dare!" Nayeon said. "That's kinda old fashion" Tzuyu said and laugh. "But cool in some weird ways" Mingyu added. They all encircled as they roll the bottle. "Truth or Dare! Choi Seungcheol!" They all shouted as the bottle points to Seungcheol. "Truth" He answered knowing that if he choose dare he'd ended up being weird.

"What's your relationship with Nayeon?" Jeonghan asked as all of them became quiet. Seungcheol looked at Nayeon before answering. "She was supposed to be my wife" Seungcheol revealed. "But we ended up being in a group than being married" Seungcheol added. "What's the reason?" Chan asked. "You can only asked one question!" Seungcheol said and smack Chan's shoulder.

To lessen the awkwardness Jeonghan spinned the bottle. As it points to Chan. "Truth or Dare! Lee Chan!" They shouted in sync. "Truth!" Chan answered as Chae walk back to their spot. "I can't think of a question! Chae ask him" Nayeon said. Chaeyoung just shrugged her shoulders saying that she doesn't have any ideas. "Who's your first love?" Soonyoung asked. "Not that!" Chan said. As all of them started making noise in disagreement. "Answer or get soaked with a cold water with ice?" Mingyu said. "Fine, I'll answer" Chan said and roll her eyes. "So, Who?" Seokmin asked. "Chaeyoung" Chan answered and lowered his head. "How'd you met her?" Seungcheol asked. "You just said that you can only ask one question!" Jeonghan said that made the awkwardness flew. "Let's just continue playing!" Jihyo said and spinned the bottle. As it pointed to Tzuyu. "Truth or Dare! Chou Tzuyu!" They said in sync. "Truth" Tzuyu said and roll her eyes. "What's the entertainment of your crush since we all know it's an idol" Nayeon asked. "Bighit? Idk" Tzuyu said. "There's only 4 boygroups in Bighit!" Jihyo shouted in excitement. "SEVENTEEN, BTS, TXT AND NUEST! So which one?" Seungkwan asked. "One question only" Tzuyu said and roll her eyes again.

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