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I don't want to meet him but i have to. What if they we're just lying. I still need to clarify before we go without him.

I entered their dorm feeling the bad atmosphere in the dorm. Seems like they fought.

"Dahyun-ah? Are you going to fetch us?" Seungkwan asked trying to joke but failed obviously. "Where's Vernon?" I asked and smile. Their eyes widened and pointed at Vernon's room. I just smile at them and walk towards Vernon's room.

And there i saw him treating all his bruises that Momo gave. "Need a hand?" I asked and chuckle. He just looked at me shock as i get the medicine and treat his wounds. As i finished i stood up infront of him. "I need to clarify things before I'll go to the beach with them" I said and smile. "Did you cheat?" I asked. He just looked away.

'Please say no' i thought.

"I-I did" He said. I just pat his shoulder. "Let's just broke up, i think we're better to be bestfriends than being lovers, plus i was the only one in love on our relationship" I said and smile. "Please, be happy with her, don't cheat to her, and please love her" I said and smile. "I really want to come to the beach with you but others don't want to, since majority wins, maybe we could just come to the beach when everything is back to normal" I said and ruffle his hair. "I'd missed you with this week! And I'm sorry again for leaving you!" I said and bow. "D-Dahyun-ah" He stuttered as he talked. "I-I'm sorry" He said as a tear felt out of his eyes. "No, it's okay! I need to go now! They're already calling me" I said and leave out of his room.

As i leaved his room i let out a sigh trying not to cry as i entered the SEVENTEEN's van. "You didn't cry?" Seungkwan asked shocked. "I'm okay tho, and I'm happy he admit it if he didn't I wouldn't forgive hin but gladly he did" I said and smile. "How can a girl be happy when someone cheated on her? I need to treat manners to Hansol after this" Seungcheol said gritting his teeth. "No, It's okay, we're fine" I said and smile. "We're bestfriends again" I said and smile. "You've been hiding your feelings with almost 5 years and you decided to be his friend instead?" DK asked shookt. "Well, it's better to be friends than nothing, right? Seokmin?" I said and laugh. "Yah! How come you call Minghao an Oppa when I'm older than him!" Seokmin said as we all laugh. "It's because I'm more handsome than you" Minghao said that makes us all laugh.

Despite of what happen, I'm happy that we're still okay.


[a/n : bff for life lmao]

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