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"It's day-two, we need to practice hard" Woozi said as he threw a bottle to Chaeyoung. "Stop playing your phone, I'll confiscate that" He added. "You can have it" Chaeyoung said. "This small girl" Woozi said and confiscated Chae's phone. "Small? Me? Aren't the both of us?" Chaeyoung joked and laugh as we all laugh. "She finally laugh" I whispered to Vernon. "Dino is kinda jealous, i think?" Vernon said as he was looking to Dino. I followed his gaze and saw Dino looking kinda really jealous. "Poor bottle" Vernon said as he pointed to the bottle whom Dino was holding to. "It's going to break" I said and laugh.


"Momo Eonnie" I called as i ran to her room. "Yes?" She asked and looked at me while drinking. "I want to confess to someone" I said. Then she started bursting into laughs. "To whom exactly?" She asked. "I don't want to loose our friendship either" I said. "Vernon? Isn't it?" Momo asked as i nodded. "You got the sparks on your eyes that every lovers have" Momo said. "Do you see it to Hoshi, Minghao, and Wonwoo, too?" I asked that makes her kinda uncomfortable. "Well you don't nee—" She cutted my words as she spoke her answer. "Some of them have, Some don't" He said smiling. "Uh, I'm sorry, just gonna leave you and feel the feelings" I said patting her back as i ran out of her room. Entering Jeongyeon's.

"You came here to say that you gotta confess to someone you like or love to be exact, and yet you don't want to break your friendship with him and that guy is Chwe Hansol" Jeongyeon said straightly as i enter her room. "Well, yeah—but how tf did you know?" I asked rasing my eyebrows. "I just knew" She said and laugh. "An advice? Take the risk, like i did" She said and smile. "Y'all been broken, just gonna leave again and feel the feeling too" I said and leave.

I ran to Nayeon's room and saw her drying her hair. "I heard your convo with Jeongyeon, are you gonna ask the same thing?" She asked as i nodded and sat at her bed. "Your scared that he might reject you, that he might end your friendship that the only relationship you have with him, am i right?" She explained. As i was nodding. "My advice to you is don't let your fear cover you and just go for it, like Jeongyeon said, take the risk" She said. "I can't, I don't want to loose him" I said. "But you want something more than friends?" She asked as i nodded. "You have to move forward and not stay if you want to upgrade your relationship" She said. "Never think of the negative sides and think positive" Nayeon said. "Oh, your not broken as the two?" I joked and laugh. "I am too" She said as i was taken a back and apologize and let her feel the feelings and leave.


[a/n : this is lame but Healing reached 1k reads! :*]

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