part 1

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So the first part of the story' is here do hit the star button and leave your precious comments..

It's a very short update 😆😆..

She stepped inside the mansion all angry..and straightly went to kitchen..

"Why so angry young lady" she turned and saw her dad was standing crossing his arms around his chest and looking at her suspiciously..

"Nothing dad" she replied and took out a bottle of water from refrigerator..

"Dad dii broke the headlight of the new car and also there are some scratches in front" rishab her younger brother said stepping inside the kitchen..

She spit the water and started coughing badly.."Rishab go and sleep" she said sternly..

He smirked and turned towards yash "dad come with me" he said and dragged him outside the mansion..

"You are soo gone nandu" she murmured to herself and ran behind them..

"Care to explain young lady" yash asked and she gave him a nervous look scratching her neck..

"Dad i am sorry" she said showing her puppy eyes..

"I asked something Nandini" yash said clearly..

"Dad actually my car hit with another car and all these things happened" she mumbled looking down..

"What your car hit with another car are you fine? Did you get hurt" yash asked in concerned..

"Dad i am fine ayyiappa saved happens because of that asshole jerk" she said making faces..

"Language women" she turned and saw her mother..

She bit her tongue and mumbled "sorry"

"What you did with your new car doll" she looked down hearing Ishita..

"I am sorry mom" she whispered..

"Satyanash" Rishabh said looking at the car..

"Rishabh I'll kill you just go and sleep" she shouted angrily..

"Mom dad i am very sorry" she said softly..

"Fine go and sleep it's pretty late" ishita said..

"Dad this new car reparing cost should be.." nandini cut her off "Rishabh I swear I'll kill you" he ran and nandini ran behind him making their parents chuckle..

Nan's pov..

Just because of that jerk my new baby got hurt..I hate him i fucking hate him.. urghhh why the hell i am thinking about him..i should sleep yes I should sleep..

I laid down on the bed and soon drifted into peaceful slumber..

Next day..

"Mom bhabhi also lives in Los Angeles hainaa?" Diya manik's younger sister asked neonika while sipping her chocolate shake..

"Bhabhi who" manik asked as he sat for breakfast..

"Your wife" diya said and he gave her a non interested look..

"We will going to meet them today baby" neonika said..

"Really" diya asked being unsure..

"Yes princess really actually Murthy's invited us today for lunch" raj replied and diya squealed as she going to meet her bhabhi for the very first time..

"Manik be there on time" neonika said..

"I have a meeting mom" he replied sipping his black coffee..

"What meeting bhai? Please cancel all the meeting and come with us" diya said..

He stood up and wore his blazer.." firstly I came here for business purpose and not to meet with some families and my all are here for vacation right then do anything you want I don't have any problem but don't force me" he buttoned his blazer..

"That was rude" diya said making faces..and manik just shrugged his shoulder..

"Mom i am sorry but you know na there are so many pending works that's why we came here" manik said to neonika cupping her cheeks..

"But manik you can try atleast" neonika said..

"Ok mom I'll try now happy?" Neonika nodded and manik kissed her forehead..

"Dad i am going with you" manik said..

"What happen to your car" raj asked.

"My car hit with another car previous night" he said recalling the moment of previous night when he was coming for Los Angeles airport..

"Okay then" raj replied..

Ok so how's the update?

Everyone guessed it that the guy was manik😆😆

So will manik going to meet nandini?

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