part 2

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The response is not good but I know it will going to increase because I trust you all...

I am updating one more chapter today because I am really in a Good just hit the star button and leave your precious comments..

I will update next chapter asap.. expecting 250votes😪😪 I am not setting any target btw..

Nandini was sleeping on her queen size bed comfortably just then ishita stepped inside and found her still sleeping..

She opened the curtains and sunlight directly falls on nandini's face making her groan in frustration..

"Wakeup doll" she said softly sitting beside her..

She placed her head on her lap and hugged her waist.."no i want to sleep more" she mumbled in sleep and pressed her face against her belly hugging her like a baby..

"It's already doll wakeup" ishita said softly and she nodded in no..

"Wakeup nandu today guests are coming for lunch" she said and nandini opened her eyes and looked at her..

"Guest who" nandini asked rubbing her eyes..

"Your In-laws" her eyes widened hearing ishita's reply..

"What why" she asked hastily..

"They are here in Los Angeles for some works that's why we invited them for lunch" ishita replied..

"Why mom why" she made a crying face..

"Nandu you have to accept the fact that you are married" nandini's anger rose..

"Marriage wow mom wow" she clapped her hands "just because my so called husband's great grandfather was dying you pushed your daughter in hell and bound her with marriage huh? " She shouted..

"What was my age mom that time huh? I was 4!! You made your 4 year old daughter life hell why mom why" she shouted in tears and ishita looked down..

"And if you think that i am interested in meeting my so called inlaws and my husband then you are so fucking wrong" she said coldly and went inside the restroom..

She took a nice shower and changed her outfit and did minimal amount of makeup..

She descended the stairs to found three unknown faces are sitting on the couch

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She descended the stairs to found three unknown faces are sitting on the couch..

Nan's pov

"Omg bhabhi" I was shocked and just rooted at my place..

"Princess come here"mom said i wanted to run away from here..

I forced a smile and walked towards them..I have to pretend that i am happy i can't disappoint my parents yes i am angry on them but i do care for them..

"Hello aunty hello uncle" I wished them plastering a fake smile on my face..

"Nandini you have grown up in beautiful women" aunty said lovingly caressing my cheek..I hope aunty your son is not a chimpu..

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