part 4

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So here is the next update do hit the star button and leave your precious comments..

Expecting 290 votes I am not setting any target ♥️..

Read the small promo at last 😎😎😎..

"Mom i am going out" nandini shouted wearing her jacket..

"Where" ishita asked coming out of the kitchen..

"I am going to do some shopping mom" she said.."and yes i am going alone"

"Okay come soon" ishita said and kissed her forehead..

"I want to go with you" Rishabh said descending the stairs..

"I am not taking you with me" nandini said rudely..

"Diii i want to go with you please" rishabh said showing his puppy eyes..

"Fine" nandini said in defeat..

"I love you dii soo much" she made a face hearing him..

"Ok mom we are leaving so bye take care" and they left..

They went to Westfield Century City one of the best malls of Los Angeles..

Nan's pov..

"Diii I am going to men's section" Rishabh said while I was busy checking some tops for me..

"Ok" I nodded..

I bought some crop tops and shirts for myself just then my phone beeped with message..

From rishabh
Dii I am in apple store please come here I need your help in buying airpods

I was walking towards the apple store but all of a sudden my butt kissed the floor as i bumped with walking wall..

Walking wall? Urghhh I am getting mad..

"Hey i am so sorry" I heard a voice and looked up..

"YOU" we both shouted in unison grabbing some attentions to other persons..

"You asshole just because of you my branded tops fell down" I shouted and started picking my shopping bags..

He picked my other two shopping bags and handed it to me which i took it rudely..

"Hey I am.." I cut him off "you Mr what are you doing huh? Are you following me" I asked suspiciously..

"Are you out of your mind or what huh is this your mall or you boyfriend's mall" he also shouted..

"Ohh Hello I am married" i said glaring at him..

"Even i am also married and i don't have time to follow you" he said rolling his eyes..

"You know what you are a trouble maker you broke the headlight of my new car" I said stomping my foot..

"I think you are forgetting you also broke the headlight of my car and the mistake was yours you were doing racing in the middle of the night" he said much to my annoyance..

"I pity on your husband" he said and my anger rose..

"How dare you to dragged my husband in this matter I hope your wife is fine with you!! Because I pity on her seeing you" I said angrily..

"You are also dragging my wife" urghhhh I will kill him..

"You are impossible" I said angrily.

"Even you are impossible"he said..

We looked here and there to found most of the people were looking at us..

"It's ok baby this fighting in relationship will strengthen your bond" said one aged lady..

"Umm mam you are mistaken we aren't in relationship" I said to her softly..

"Aahaa I think you are very much angry on your husband that's why you are saying this" she said..

"Mam he is not my husband" I said trying to make her understand..

She chuckled and put her hand on my head then looked at me " may God bless you both" and she left and we were looking at her like an alien..

"I hope we will never meet again" I said to him..

And what he did?

He didn't reply to me.. he wore his sunglasses and left..

He ignored me!!

He freaking ignore me..

He ignored Nandini Murthy..

"Urghhh I hate you" I said angrily and went to apple store where my babybro was waiting..

Ok so how's the update?

Few words on our MaNan!!

Next update will have their meet as Husband and Wife..who is excited?


"Nandini meet my son Manik Malhotra" said neonika aunty.. he turned and my eyes widened..

"YOU" we both shouted in unison and the glass of mojito fell from my hand..

So how's the promo? 😂😂😂

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