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"Merry meet

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"Merry meet. I am Cordelia of the Most Inbreded and Snobbish House of Rosier."

Contrary to popular belief, Sirius Black wasn't the biggest disgrace. No, that title rightfully belonged to Cordelia Rosier.

(Secretly, of course)

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In the Rosier household, words such as 'blood-traitor' and 'muggle-lover'  is spat on with hatred. There is no bigger betrayal than thinking that the 'mud-bloods' are worth having magic.

By the age of seven, Cordelia Rosier was quite sure that she was one of the blood-traitors that her family detests. Don't get her wrong, she loves her family with all her heart, soul and being and she wouldn't trade her parents and older brother for anything in the world, but there are just a few things that she doesn't necessarily agree on with them. 

Opinions on blood-purity happen to be one of them.

That doesn't mean she'll admit to them about it though. Like she mentioned, she loves her family and she doesn't want to disappoint them. 

But there is no reason she can't do both, right? Surely, there must be some way that she doesn't have to make it publicly known about her thoughts on blood-purity while still keeping true to her personal beliefs, right? 

When Cordelia met Sirius Black one evening, there couldn't have been two children who became faster friends.

Join Cordelia as she navigates through school and life in general, discovering the true meaning of deception as she plays a game of 'blood-traitor, 'blood-traitor not' with everybody and realises the difference between 'want to' and 'have to' 

But that all comes much later. 

After all, she's currently only a first-year, and right now, there are more important things to worry about like classes, homework, quidditch and why somebody is trying to kill all the Hufflepuffs. 

A.N:/ Please ignore the fact that the girl's head in the cover looks like it is floating on nothing. I hope you like reading this. Thank you!

Cordelia Rosier and the Proprietorial Portraiture ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now