Chapter 36 | Phantom Lord

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Xiao, along with the men who turned out to be the Phantom Sect's disciples, led Jingrui and Prince Zhanying up the mountain through a shortcut. After countless twists and turns through jagged roads, they came to a clearing on the summit.

The grey clouds cloaked over a large training ground, and a towering statue of a dragon stood tall, watching them as they entered the Sect. There were several compounds occupying the space at the top of the Jade Dragon Mountain, and pine trees grew surrounding it, bringing its soft scent along with the wind.

Jingrui walked closer to Xiao and nudged him with her elbow. "So, how did my good-for-nothing senior become a general at this scary sect?"

"Skills." Xiao smirked. "I hiked up this mountain, ran into these Phantom Sect disciples, and pleaded with them not to hurt me. I told them I was a stray immortal searching for a competent Master, and after they realised I wasn't from the Celestial Tribe, they took me to the Phantom Lord. The Phantom Lord is very weird, but we clicked, and I worked really hard until all the disciples here acknowledged me as their General."

Jingrui raised her brows. "That easy?"

Xiao nodded as he pounded his fist on his chest. "Of course. Did you expect less, lass?"

Jingrui snorted at his boast. "So . . . how was it, coming here? Did you find anything?"

He shrugged his slack shoulders. "Not much. This sect is like any other ordinary sect that trains skilled disciples. The only strange thing that happened was when I asked a senior disciple here for a man named Li Yu. The senior disciple's face immediately turned ashen, and he walked away from me without saying a word. After that, he never talked to me again. So, from then on, I didn't dare ask around anymore." Her senior glanced around at the compounds. "Even then, it's a nice place here. Everyone is friendly enough for me to get around, so there has been no problem thus far. But what about you, Jingrui? The Hell Palace and this angsty God of War? Tell me about it."

"I've found nothing too, Senior, except that everything within the Heavenly Palace seemed to lead me to this mountain. Something about this Jade Dragon Mountain, I can feel it holds the answers we are looking for." Jingrui sighed as she realised both her and Xiao had made no progress. "The Heavenly Palace is scary, Senior. The Emperor is mean, always out to bully me and His Highness."

"You seem close to that icy God of War . . . I've read from many scrolls of the revered God of War's merits, and how distant he is to the world. How different he is in real life. Not only is he blind, but he also seems to look after you well."

Jingrui grinned. "He only treats me well because fate loves me. You see, I accidentally saved him on my first night at his Palace. Afterward, he probably felt indebted." Jingrui smiled brightly as she watched Prince Zhanying who walked in front of her. "But really, I think he just finds me an amusing show."

Xiao patted her shoulder. "Well, at least he has no intention of hurting you. So, you better coax him and butter up to him in every possible way, so in that sense, you will have someone as powerful as him to keep you safe."

Jingrui nodded, heeding her senior's advice.

Soon, they arrived at a large hall in the middle of the compound. Xiao pushed the heavy, metallic door open and led them inside.

Several candles stacked over each other, flickering flames across the hall. She stayed close behind the figures of the Prince and her Senior, glancing at the spider webs that hung from the walls and ceiling, cloaking over the torch stands. Each step she took, marked footprints against the dusty, red carpet and turned her shoes black.

A man sat on a large, jade throne at the end of the hall. He wore a dark hanfu, and a feather mask was placed over his face. His long hair receded down from the throne and onto the grimy floor. In his hand was a golden cup of wine which he placed down when he sensed them entering. With just one glance, Jingrui knew he must be the Phantom Lord.

"Who did you bring, Xiao?" the Phantom Lord's voice rumbled like the ocean waves.

"The God of War seeks an audience, My Lord," Xiao replied as he knelt down.

The Phantom Lord grunted as he flexed his neck. "The God of War? That famous Celestial Tribe's Prince?"

Prince Zhanying stepped up. "I am sent by the Heavenly Emperor to patrol this land. As a crossing path towards the Demon Realm and one of the Eight Pillars, we need to burden your hospitality."

The Phantom Lord let out a menacing chuckle, echoing throughout the hall. A certain hatred ran rich in his laugh, making Jingrui feel uneasy.

"The Heavenly Emperor must care a lot about the world to send the revered God of War to these sacred mountains just to patrol the Demon's activities," The Phantom Lord said with sarcasm rich in his tone. "Since the God of War has taken the time to grace this anonymous Sect himself, how can I not offer you great hospitality?"

The Phantom Lord sat up straight, his chilling voice echoed in the air. "But I would like to state one rule of our Sect that you must keep in mind: you are prohibited from stepping foot out of your respective resting chambers after midnight." A hostile feeling crept over his tone before he waved at them dismissively. "Otherwise, feel free to use the compound. Xiao, give them the guest quarters. If there's anything they need just give it to them."


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