Chapter 65 | Heated Little Thing

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WARNING: The following chapter contains mature content. Please read at your own discretion.


"You are drunk," Jingrui grunted as she heaved the Prince's masculine form towards the cold bath she had prepared.

Prince Zhanying coughed as if he were in pain. "I'm not. Even though my Qi is a mess, I'm still a God. My tolerance is well."

She raised her brows as she eyed him up and down. A sigh parted her lips. "Well, if you're not drunk, you're definitely ill." She heaved him against the bathtub before dipping her hand into the water which was colder than the Polar Abyss. She jerked her hand out and turned to him. "The cold bath should help lessen the heat. I'll take my leave now, Your Highness."

He cocked his head to the side as he swayed towards her. "Bao Bao is not going to bathe me?"

Jingrui's mouth hung agape before she furrowed her brows. How sick must he be to act like this? She sighed and reached up to touch his forehead which was as hot as fire. When she felt his amused eyes watching her, she immediately yanked her hand back.

"D-Don't be stubborn, now. Get in the bath. I'll wait outside," Jingrui told him as she turned around, but he grabbed her shoulder to wheel her back.

"Remove my clothes," he ordered, amusement ran deep in his dark eyes.

Jingrui licked her dried lips. "I-It's inappropriate."

"You can choose to bathe me or bathe with me," he told her.

Her heart thumped as she scanned down his defined muscles, and then, up at his god-like demeanor. And, suddenly bathing him didn't seem like such a bad idea. She bit her lips, tiptoed, and slid the garment off his shoulders. He smelt hot, yet sweet; like Nag Champa fused with wine. His chest rose and fell beneath the soft touch of her fingers.

She scoffed, letting his dress fall, so he was left with a thin and loose gown. Without looking, she hauled him towards the bath and helped him inside.

Jingrui sat down on the stool beside the bathtub. Grabbing oil essence from the counter, she poured it into the cold water. She could feel his amused gaze lingering on her slightest movements. His head was tilted slightly, observing her, making her cheeks turn pink.

Jingrui removed the crown on his head and placed it on the counter, letting his hair fall. She touched his forehead again to check if the cold water was helping lessen his heat.

He watched her nurturing actions with wonder in his eyes. "Do you care for me?"

"I'm your maid, and you are my Prince. Of course, I care for you."

His brows arched up, seemingly unimpressed. "That is so, but have you ever acted like a maid, Bao Bao?"

"This Bao Bao may not be as competent as the other maids around, but I have always tried my best to serve you."

His eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched. "Why do you insist on calling yourself a maid? Have I ever treated you like one?"

She swallowed and stood up from the stool. "You are always kind to me but I know my place. In the end, I am still your maid—"

She was cut short when a sudden strength attacked her arm, and because she wasn't standing firmly, with a jerk, she was hauled into the bathtub. A yelp split out of her throat as her splashes created pools on the floor. The cold water seeped beneath her clothes, wetting her garment and plastering it against her pale skin.

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