Chapter 69 | Wilted Clover

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WARNING: The following content contains depiction of violence that may not be suitable for some readers.


The three guards grunted under their breaths like vulgar animals, and Jingrui hurdled close to Xiaobai. She seethed at the guards that tried to touch her, and when she attempted to summon her sword, something in the air seemed to suppress her magic.

One of the guards ran their rough fingers down her face, and her eyes boiled with fury. She clenched her fists, and with all her force, she bit his finger, making him jolt upright.

"Wretch!" The guard hollered, and before Jingrui knew it, his lash came down onto her skin.

The pain made her drop to the ground, and she brought her hand towards her bleeding wound. Her vision grew hazy from the torn slash, and she squinted her eyes shut as another lash wheezed down towards her. To her surprise, the pain didn't come. She could still hear several more wheezing sounds, but yet again, the pain did not amplify.

Suddenly, she heard a weak cry from Xiaobai, and when she looked up, Xiaobai was hovering over her, shielding her with her body.

Her heart sank when Xiaobai dropped onto the floor. She scrambled towards Xiaobai's broken body and wrapped her arms around her, trying to hold her up. Bitter tears burnt Jingrui's vision as she scanned over Xiaobai's bleeding slashes.

Lines of pain covered Xiaobai's decaying face, but she held up a smile. "I-I'm fine, Jingrui."

Jingrui shook her head, swallowing down her tears. She shot a furious gaze up at the guards, hissing at them to back off. The guards' smirks widened, and instead, they launched at them head-on. Their hands vaulted at Jingrui, caressing her arms. Her breath hitched as she hugged Xiaobai tighter and buried her face down, not wanting to face the vile men. Muffling cries escaped her lips when the guards ran their hands down her curves.

What are we, deities in heaven? Are we even human? Do we no longer have feelings? Or, are we just objects to satisfy others' desires?

If ever I am in league with someone as powerful as the God of War, I will, without a doubt, command the army to take these unfeeling bastards to hell.

"The God of War is here!" A thundering voice came from outside the cell, pausing the guard's movements. The owner of the voice, which turned out to be another guard, bowed at Yihuai. "He's waiting for Your Majesty in the study."

Yihuai clasped his hands together as he eyed Jingrui with a wide smile. "We are done with the appetiser. Now, it's time for the main course." He clapped, and the three guards retreated from them.

Jingrui trembled under Yihuai's sinister glare. She bore her teeth at him, but it only made his smirk grow. He walked into the cell and crouched before her. Jingrui forced her eyes to remain rigid as she stared back at him with simmering heat.

Yihuai's smug lips curved up. "Don't need to act tough, darling." He ran his finger over her pale cheek, wiping her tears. "You will get to meet your beloved soon, but now, I need. . ." He trailed off as he looked down at Xiaobai in her arms.

Jingrui shook her head as she wrapped her arms around Xiaobai, trying to pull her away. Yihuai rolled his eyes, and with one wave of his hand, Jingrui was sent flying towards the wall. Her bones crunched, and blood gushed from her lips upon hitting the cold stone. Xiaobai was left on the ground, vulnerable.

Yihuai beckoned the guards into the cell, and they rushed in as they grabbed Xiaobai's fragile body. She was dragged out of the cell, blood trailing against her feet as they left.

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