Chapter 68 | Dungeon

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Jingrui remembered clearly, the day she met the Third Uncle Yunru during the banquet. He was the Third Uncle who had gone through thick and thin with Prince Zhanying; a kind soul who made her feel comforted.

Jingrui also remembered the Empress Dowager Lingyue, Yihuai's mother. One glance at her and she felt uneasiness slither down her spine.

How were the two connected? And more importantly, why was their letter buried beneath the dirt in the Floating Abyss Palace?

Jingrui swallowed as she scanned over the letter. Although the ink was runny, she was able to get a vivid grasp of the characters.

Poison Consort Chen before midnight tomorrow.

A gasp rasped out her throat, and she turned to Xiaobai with wide eyes. "Not good." Jingrui pushed herself to stand. "I need to warn His Highness."

"H-Hey wait. . ." Xiaobai began, but Jingrui didn't have time to heed her. All she knew was that she must warn Prince Zhanying of the Third Uncle. If Third Uncle really poisoned Consort Chen to death, then Prince Zhanying had been living in a lie that the Third Uncle was the only one within the Palace he could trust.

There was no one within the Palace they could trust.

Jingrui dashed out of the Floating Abyss Palace with the letter concealed in her sleeves.

Xiaobai caught up to her, panting hard. "What's wrong, Jingrui, why are you in such a haste?"

"His Highness is visiting Third Uncle Yunru right now. I've been to the Third Uncle's place a few times, so we might as well go there now and make it clear—" Jingrui paused when her forehead banged against something hard, and she fell back onto the ground. She whimpered and rubbed her knees. But when she was about to stand up, Xiaobai dropped down, bowing in timid fear.

Jingrui dared herself to glance up, and her gaze met the menacing, dark eyes of the Heavenly Emperor Yihuai. Clad in his usual radiant gold, he smirked at her. Behind him was the radiant maiden, Goddess of Beauty, Yuetong.

Jingrui's demeanor was drained of colours, and she bowed down, knowing trouble was thrown upon her.

Yihuai and Yuetong—what a combination.

Jingrui scanned around the alleyway. She was clearly not in the restricted Golden Alleyway. The path she was on was within the God of War's territory, and it led straight to Third Uncle's Palace. It had always been a safe path, and she had ascertained that coming out of the Floating Abyss Palace wouldn't stir trouble.

Yet, why in Heaven was Yihuai and Yuetong here? Unless they came here intentionally, Jingrui couldn't possibly have run into them.

Yihuai crossed his arms and sneered. "Oh hello, little maid. I was about to break into my little brother's home to steal you from him, but I guess there's no need anymore. I must thank you for coming to me yourself; save me a lot of time and effort in breaking into the God of War's stupid ward."

Xiaobai quivered by her side and inched closer to her. Jingrui wasn't trembling any less, but she had known of Yihuai's cruelty and knew that begging for mercy wasn't going to save them.

"You bumped into me again, did you not learn your lesson from last time? Where is your apology?" Yihuai snickered, seeing them cowering in fear, and he waved a hand. Several Heavenly Guards ran to surround them like the vile bandits of the mortal realm's forest. "Since you're such a disrespectful wretch, I better teach you a lesson." Menace filled his eyes. "Take them to the Heavenly Dungeon!" Yihuai commanded, his voice roaring like thunder.

Jingrui's eyes widened, and Xiaobai sobbed as the guards seized their arms. With merciless force, they dragged them through Heaven and down into the dark and foul underground dungeon. Jingrui's legs scraped against the concrete floor as she tried to struggle free.

The guards threw them onto the cold floor behind large bars. Jingrui sat up and scanned to see Xiaobai, weeping beside her. The thick odour of blood and rotten flesh filled her nose, and her stomach churned. She breathed hard as she snuggled closer to Xiaobai.

Yihuai and Yuetong looked at her through the bars with satisfaction on their faces.

"Which one again? The one that you said had my stern, little brother's heart?" Yihuai asked Yuetong, eyeing Xiaobai and her with eyes like a predator, ready to devour her whole.

A burst of victorious laughter cackled out from Yuetong as she pointed her slender finger towards Jingrui. "The prettier one, of course."

Yihuai clasped his hands together, analysing her up and down. "I knew it. I can't believe that the day would come when my cold brother, who had been an enemy of sentiments all his life, would fall in love." His lips quirked up. "Love is powerful. It can bring glory, but it could also bring doom. I never thought there would be a day I would find Zhanying's weakness. She would make the best weapon for us. Once Zhanying is done with, I'll take her into my harem. Pretty looking wretch like her can't just go to waste."

"Do what you must with her after our plan is finished." Yuetong crossed her arms. "But what about now? What are you planning to do?"

"Well, first we need to test whether the God of War had really dropped his long years of self-restraint. He was taught not to love, so we have to test whether he truly holds a heart for her as you said."

Yuetong nodded and pursed her red lips. "But what about that other maid?"

"I have the best idea to turn her into another useful weapon." A cunning smile plastered his chiseled face. "But first, we need to spice things up while we wait for the God of War to answer my call for an audience."

With one wave, three guards strode into the cell. They held bloodlust eyes and thirsty smiles as they licked their lips. In their hands were long leathered lashes.

Yihuai clasped his hands together. "Now, let the game begin."

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