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when sunday came around, allie became really nervous. she hardly ate all day because everytime she thought about her date with harry, she felt like throwing up. allie really liked the london boy and she wanted nothing more than for their date to go well.

monique was home after spending the night with the girl that she was currently seeing. she was fussing over  allie's hair and makeup because she really wanted the blonde to impress harry.

"allie, your hair looks great when it's straight!" monique was trying to get closer to the blonde so that she could straighten her golden locks.

"no, no. you know that i hate my hair straight." allie protested, trying to move away from the heated straighteners that were moving towards her head.

"okay, okay, fine." the tanned girl surrendered and turned the heated appliance off and allowed her best friend to have her natural hair for the date.

"girl, you look hot!" monique yelled as she stepped back and looked at her best friend. allie was told to wear something comfortable so she wore a pair of ripped mom jeans and a plain black crop top. it was nothing special but simplicity was the style that allie enjoyed.

the two girls had their excitement interrupted by the sound of knocking on their door.

"shit! he's here." allie started to panic because it was most likely that harry was at the door.

"calm down, allie. he likes you, you like him. you really have no reason to be nervous." monique tried to reassure her best friend but it was no use which is why the tanned girl moved towards the door and when it opened, she pushed allie out and into the footballer.

"enjoy!" monique smiled and waved before closing the door.

allie stumbled into harry who grabbed a hold of her waist and steadied her, smiling as he did so.

"sorry, it was monique-" allie stumbled over her words and harry could only let out a small chuckle at how adorable he found the blonde girl's rambling.

"it's okay, you don't need to worry about it." the brunette boy laughed. harry was nervous which is why he was laughing so much. he didn't know what to do and he was afraid that this date would make allie realise that she should find someone better.

"sorry, i'm just really nervous." the girl admitted sheepishly. allie didn't want harry to think that she wasn't excited for their date because she was, she was ecstatic.

"me too." the taller boy admitted and suddenly, allie felt more at ease as she found out that they both felt the same.

"let's make a pact. we both like each other so let's not be nervous, okay?" when harry winks nodded at allie's suggestion, she took his hand in hers and started their walk out of allie's block of flats.

"just hit it, allie!" harry shouted from across the field.

the footballer had brought the girl that he liked to a field on top of a hill. it didn't sound romantic in the slightest but the two were having a great time kicking a football about.

the blonde girl had never really played football so harry had decided to try and teach her but it turned out to be completely useless. she could barely kick a ball but at least it amused her crush and make them laugh.

"harry, i'm useless." allie approached the footballer, kicking the football with her feet. she was laughing about it and so was he.

"you're not useless. you just need some practice." he tried to assure her but she simply shook her head.

the pair walked towards harry's car and he took two blankets out of the boot. he placed one on the bonnet before helping allie climb up beside him.

"the sky looks pretty." allie sighed as she placed her head on his shoulder. the sun was setting and the sky was a combination of pretty pinks and deep oranges.

"hmm." harry hummed as he wrapped his left arm around allie's shoulders and pulled her closer into him. the second blanket was now across their laps as they sat and watched the sun set. it was a bit chilly outside but neither of them minded since they had each other's body heat and each other's company.

"thank you," allie started, removing her head from his shoulder to look at his face. the blonde girl didn't think she had ever seen a man as beautiful as harry and it was amazing that he had a personality to match.

"for tonight. i've loved every moment of it." the smile that was on allie's face made harry's heart flutter. she was the most amazing girl he had ever met and he was over the moon with the fact that he had managed to impress her.

harry's eyes flickered from allie's crystal blue eyes to her lips and the blonde girl noticed. she leaned in slightly, waiting to see if harry would follow and when he did, her heart started to hammer inside her chest.

"can i kiss you?" harry's voice was so small and timid but allie found it endearing. the blonde girl nodded her head, pieces of her hair falling in her face. the footballer lifted his hand and brushed the stray pieces of hair behind her ear and cupped her face. they both continued to lean in, feeling their breaths fan against their faces until their lips finally met.

allie felt harry's soft lips on her own and the slight prickling of his stubble being a bit of a contrast. he was slow and gentle with her, too afraid of making a wrong move. harry could taste her raspberry lip balm on his lips. he found the kiss to be slightly intoxicating and if he could, he would have spent all night with her and stealing kisses every so often but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

a/n: their first date is just too cute for me to handle! i would honestly be perfectly okay with this as a first date. i would thank any man for this.

cheesy question coming up so be ready! what's your idea of a perfect first date?
- probably this, not going to lie.

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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