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allie tried to act as normal as she could after her fight with harry but monique could see that it was no use. the tanned girl could see that her far paler best friend was struggling. allie wasn't willing to confront her feelings or what had just happened and it was unhealthy. the blonde had been struggling to keep on top of her university work and had been working more and more shifts at both primark and as a cleaner in an attempt to get her mind off of things.

harry, on the other hand, had been moping about for days. it was painful for anyone to watch. his effort levels in training had dropped and the manager was certain that it was just illness but when he failed to perform at the weekend for their game, the whole team, and the fans, knew that it was something more.

dele had tried to talk to his friend but the most that he had gotten out of him was the fact that harry and allie had had a fight. other than that, the london boy was pretty much silent on the matter. harry turned up to training and went home straight after. he didn't socialise at all. it was a sad sight to see for his teammates, especially since they had tried to protect him from moments like this.

"allie, your sister is here." monique shook her best friend awake who was fast asleep on the couch. allie had been catching up on her missed hours of sleep since she had been staying up late to make up the work that she had missed from university.

"which one?" the blonde questioned groggily as she tried to tame her hair but it was no use. it was a frizzy mess and it was probably due a wash but if it was only her sister, allie didn't need to impress.

"it's me." aubree smiled at her younger sister. it was a sad sight to see. aubree had never seen her younger sister in a state like this. it was clear to see that allie hadn't taken whatever had happened between her and harry well.

"aubree, what are you doing here?" aubree was the oldest of the three campbell sisters and was currently married to the man that she met when she started her current job six years ago. they also, of course, had a son called theo and he was one of allie's favourite little people ever.

"monique called and said that you and harry are going through a rough patch." the older of the two girls who had brunette hair and brown eyes, gave her sister a sympathetic smile and sat on the couch beside her.

the three sisters looked very alike. carly and aubree both had brunette hair and brown eyes whereas allie had blonde locks and blue eyes. their facial structure and features were pretty much the same.

"i don't know what to do or how to fix it." allie told her sister, feeling the lump in her throat grow and the hot tears start to prick at her eyes. allie had been avoiding talking about her argument with her boyfriend ever since it happened.

"why don't you tell me what happened from the beginning." aubree pulled her little sister into a tight hug and listened as allie tried to get her words out in between sobs.

aubree thought that the fight was slightly petty but she had to remember that both allie and harry were young and were bound to fall out over small issues. she still did it with her husband. it could the most ridiculous topic, something as small as what curtains they were going to have in their bedroom.

"put yourself in his position, allie. how would you feel if a girl was trying to flirt with him and he failed to mention at all that he had a girlfriend?" the older girl made her little sister think. of course allie never meant to cause any harm, that was the last thing on her mind. it just so happened that allie was naïve and never seemed to pick up on signals from guys. it was part of the reason why it took so long for her and harry to get together in the first place.

"oh fuck." allie groaned out as she realised exactly how harry must have felt. she was so oblivious and stupid sometimes and she wanted to kick herself in that moment.

"you see?" aubree nodded her head at her younger sister. sometimes all allie needed was a helping hand in these situations. aubree would never try and fix a situation for allie because what was the point in that? but she would always help her sister when she needed it.

"thank you for helping me. i should probably text harry or go and see him or something." the blonde stood up from her position on the couch and went to put her shoes on. she was on a mission and allie needed to see her boyfriend so that she could try and save her relationship.

as allie opened the door of her flat and went to step out, she stopped herself. she stopped herself because down on the door mat was a bouquet of pink tulips with a card and a pair of ankle socks.

"i'm sorry." harry winks appeared from across the hall and allie had no idea how to process any of the information that was in front of her.

it seemed that both of them were sorry and wanted to make things right again.

a/n: the tulips and the socks 🥺

a massive congratulations to sevilla for their sixth europa league win! a well deserved win and i know that i will prefer this final to the champion's league final this season because (sorry about this) i'm not a fan of bayern or psg.

sorry this is so late :( i was halfway through my author's note last night when i fell asleep so sorry about that.

what's something you always did as a child?
- when my older cousin and i used to stay over at my gran's house, we would stay up late and play the alphabet game. we would have to come up with a boy's name and a girl's name for every letter of the alphabet, for example.

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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