Endless Night

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//the picture is what Chris use to look like throughout the trilogy and what he will look like in this book. The axe is his future weapon he will have. In this part, it starts off them playing with their friends, but then it reaches night time and Micheal starts to miss his mom and then I will end it with a cliffhanger. The song is called Endless Night from the Lion King the musical//.

"Good Morning Mikey!" Elizabeth shouted while she kicked the door open. Micheal shot awake at the noise and then rubbed his eyes, "seriously Lizzie." "Come on let's go and play!" Elizabeth said but Micheal groaned and put his pillow over his head, trying to fall back asleep. "Mikey, come on, get up," Elizabeth started climbing on his bed and jumping on it, "come on, get up." "Sis, you're 15, and 15 year olds shouldn't consider hanging out as playtime," Micheal said underneath the pillow. Chris was the next to get in then he said, "Lizzie, take it easy on Mikey, will ya? Last night was tough for us. But still, our friends are waiting Mikey." Micheal was pretending to sleep so they would leave him alone but of course, they didn't leave. Elizabeth remembered something and then said, "you're gonna leave Chara waiting, she is looking more beautiful in the morning than in any other time of day. Man, you really are going to miss out on the opportunity on seeing her." Micheal removed the pillow from over his head and said, "ok fine, I'm up guys. Now will you pipsqueaks leave me alone so I can change." "Yes, let's go Chris," Elizabeth said as they both walked out of the room.

So Micheal changed into his clothes, put on his mask and then he walked in the living room to see his step brothers, Ian and Brandon Cawthon eating breakfast. "Good morning Ian and Brandon, how are my boys today?" Micheal greeted them and Ian said, "tired, by the way, your friends have been outside for a while. They were waiting for you to get up." "I know, I'm heading out there," Micheal told them, then he shouted for Scott to here, "Scott! I'm heading out!" "Ok, be back by 9 pm and no later!" Scott told Micheal then he was heading out the door. There his friends and siblings, Chris, Elizabeth, Bendy, Boris, Alice, Chara, Frisk and Flowey were, waiting there underneath shade in the summer sun. "There you are Micheal, we thought you would never wake up," Chara said and Flowey added, "for a second, I thought you died in your sleep, I would've been happy." "Flowey! That's not nice," Frisk pointed out to Flowey but Flowey said, "what? I'm just saying, besides I can't feel remember." "Sorry guys, I overslept, so should we get started?" Micheal asked them they all said, "yeah."

"Then I'll race you to the park!" Micheal said and he ran from the group in the direction to the park. "Hey! No Fair!" Chris said and ran after him with everybody else. They all raced to the park like a pack of wolves, Bendy decided to be smart about it and he took the short cut to the park. When the group made it to the park, Micheal thought he won so he bragged, "I win! I'm faster then all of you!" "Yeah right pretty boy! If I wasn't in my pot, you would've had your butt beat," Flowey sassed him and Elizabeth laughed and sassed too, "Micheal, you butt is so slow that you thought with you legs rather then your brain, because you didn't win. Bendy won!" "Wait what?" Micheal asked until Bendy popped out behind him, "sorry kid, but races take brains not speed." "Damn it!" Micheal shouted while he face palmed.

The rest of the day at the park, they hung out, played hide n seek tag, had an acorn war where they split into teams and threw acorns at each other, and explored the park. When it was sunset, they left the park to go home. "Welp, see ya guys, I'm Outta Here," Boris said to the kids then Bendy called behind him, "Boris, wait up for me." "Later Elizabeth," Alice told Elizabeth before walking back with the boys. "It was fun, I hope to see you later Inch Worm," Chris said his goodbye to Frisk and Frisk said his goodbye as well, "stay outta trouble, you know how Sans is like." "I'll see you later Micheal, mom probably has butterscotch cinnamon pie made for us for dinner," Chara said before kissing Micheal on the cheek, making him blush. "Thanks, you too," Micheal said his goodbye to Chara. "Well Flowey, stay out of trouble," Elizabeth told Flowey her goodbyes and he said, "Lizzie, Trouble is my middle name." The three dreemurrs left to their house where Toriel was waiting outside for them, Micheal saw them give her a big hug and he really started to feel down. He was proud that his girlfriend and her siblings had a mom in their lives, but he only wished his mom was still in his life.

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