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//the meaning of this picture I drew is just to show you what Micheal looked like throughout the trilogy and what he will look like sooner in this book, I will let you know when. For now, he looks like his original self but a little older. In this part, Micheal has a nightmare about their dad but luckily Chris wakes him up from it//.

Micheal woke up in a burnt down building, it almost looked familiar. Although a little different from the pizzeria he remembered, but it didn't look like Freddy Fazbear's Pizza at all even if it looked like it. He got up and started to walk around, looking around at the rotting place. Is this some abandoned version of Freddy Fazbear's or is this something else? Micheal asked himself until he stepped on something that felt like liquid, very thick liquid. He looked at it, he got some on his hand, smelled it and he knew instantly it was blood. But, where is it coming from? Micheal thought again, he followed the trail where the blood was leading him, the blood led him inside a closet which Micheal recognized as the parts and services room. He opened the door in which he saw animatronic suits all covered in blood, he couldn't believe what he saw. To make it worse, in between the suits was the Springtrap suit his father was in or died in the first time. Or some reason, he just walked to it peacefully, he didn't know why he was approaching his father's body but he just was without having any second thoughts. He knelt to the sitting animatronic suit's level and then started to talk to him for some reason, "father, it's me, Micheal. I did it. I found it. It was right where you said it would be. They were all there. They didn't recognize me at first. They thought I was you. And I found her. I put her back together just like you asked me to. She's free now."

Outside of dreamworld, Chris opened Micheal's bedroom door in his pajamas. As odd as that sounds, it was 12 am, the time when the nightmare animatronics usually attacked Chris. Since he left the Afton's original house 3 years ago, he never heard from the nightmares at all. He's 11 years old while Micheal is now 17, but despite the years they have apart from each other, Chris still looks after his big bro. The reason he walked in Micheal's room was because he heard Micheal talk in his sleep. He sat on Micheal's bed to hear what Micheal was trying to say. "I've been living in shadows, I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be dead, but I'm not," Micheal was saying in his sleep which made Chris very curious, "Micheal?" Chris whispered while tapping Micheal's head, trying to wake him up. "Well, I guess there's only one thing left for me to do now," Micheal said in his sleep then Chris tapped him again, "Micheal!" "I'm going to come find you father," Micheal spoke again in his sleep but Chris grabbed his shoulders and shook him and shouted a little louder, "Micheal!!"

Micheal woke up in shock, he had his fists out like he was about to punch someone. Chris covered his head to make sure Micheal doesn't actually hit him. "You talk in your sleep Micheal?" Chris asked when Micheal saw it was only him in the room. He lowered his fists and whispered, "Chris, what are you doing in my room?" Chris took a deep breath and then explained at a fast rate, "Ok, ok, long story short, you know how I use to have those nightmares about the nightmare animatronics and I get up at 12 am every night. Well, I just got up at that time for some reason, I honestly don't know why I got up at that time when I don't have those nightmares anymore, but I did. Then, I was hearing talking coming from your room so I went to investigate what was going on-." Micheal was just getting so confused at what Chris was trying to tell him, so he stopped him and said, "ok, Chris, Slow the Frick down. You heard voices in my room and then what?" Chris just slowed down and then said, "I listened and I realized you were talking in your sleep." "Me? Talking in my sleep? What was I saying?" Micheal asked thinking Chris was being ridiculous but Chris told him something that shocked him. "You were saying something like 'I'm going to come find you father,' almost like you were talking to dad in your dreams, were you talking to dad in your slee-," Chris couldn't finish because Micheal covered his mouth so nobody in the house could hear them.

He pointed to the window of his room, telling Chris to meet him out there, then he let him go to walk out the window onto the roof. Chris followed out the window into the cold midnight air, walking across the roof to sit next to Micheal to see what he has to say. "Chris yes, I was talking to dad in my dream, actually my nightmare, it wasn't anything like a dream," Micheal told him and Chris asked, "what was it about to make it a nightmare? Despite you talking to dad." Micheal didn't know whether he should tell him or no, but then again, he knew Chris was not 8 anymore, he was over a decade old so he shouldn't hesitate to talk dirty or bad. "Well, it started out like most horror movies we've seen, I was in an old and abandoned version of Freddy's only there were more hallways than rooms. I stepped in blood that came from the parts and services room, I opened the door and I saw these rows of spring lock suits that were covered in blood, including Father," Micheal explained as Chris listened. "Were there any bodies in them?" Chris asked to try and understand what it all means. "I didn't really look, I was too focused on father that I didn't check for the bodies, I started talking but it felt like I didn't have any control on my words," Micheal answered him then added, "but it's ok, I mean dreams don't really mean anything, like your old nightmares, they'll go eventually." Chris thought about the information he was told. "I think dreams mean something, your nightmare could be not like any other. Not being in control of your words or movements, it could be telling you the future like maybe you might run into dad in the future and tell him the exact words," he explained to him.

"But, dad's dead remember? Flowey killed him. Although I understand what you're saying and there just might be a possibility that whatever I dream about would come true. I bet tomorrow night, I would have a better dream that won't involve death or father," Micheal said while patting Chris' shoulder. Chris crossed his arms and started shivering, "um, can we get in the house now? I'm getting cold." "Alright little baby, we can get inside," Micheal commented while helping Chris up and crawling back through the window of his room. Chris followed and said before he walked out, "goodnight Mikey." "G'night Chris," Micheal told him watching his little brother walk out of his room and back into his own. At least I hope it was just a nightmare, Micheal thought feeling unsure about the nightmare.

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