That's not Sadie!

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//so you guys aren't confused, Sadie is Chris' old dog from their old home and she died at 5 years old after Chris' incident happened from getting herself hit by a car but Chris doesn't know she died. The picture above isn't mine but it's a vision of what Sadie looked like, she is a border collie/Australian Shepard mix. In this part, Chris thinks she's alive by seeing her body walking like a normal dog but Micheal knows it's not her and you'll find out the rest. Also, I don't really like spoilers myself but here's a hit to what happens, like what I told you guys, I will be putting some horror movie references in this book and this reference I will put in is going to be a scene from The Thing, if you have seen The Thing, you'll understand which scene this is based off of//.

When the group were walking home, Chris was walking ahead of them being on the lookout for Ennard. All of a sudden, he hears something crawling around in the bushes. He goes to investigate to see if it was Ennard, until he saw something come out of the bushes and start licking his face. It was Sadie, his dog from back at his old home, "Sadie! How's my girl? I missed you!" Chris happily greeted with a few pets and kisses on the dog's head. "Something's got Chris!" Elizabeth told the group seeing their silhouettes in the distance. The group run over there to see what was on Chris only to see it was just Sadie. "Sadie! I remember you, Micheal! It's just Sadie!" Elizabeth said but Micheal had utter shock on his face, "that's not Sadie, she was dead in a car accident." "What are you talking about? Of course it's Sadie, it looks like her, it acts like her, so it is her," Chris said not understanding. "I'm so glad you found your dog again, maybe that dog really wasn't dead," Frisk said but Micheal wasn't having that, "no guys, she was dead! She was dead when Chris had-." "Hey, ever heard of miracles pretty boy?" Flowey said to Micheal and Micheal nodded. "That's probably what happen'd," Boris added feeling happy for Chris to find his dog again. "Can we take her home Mikey? Scott will understand," Chris begged Micheal. Elizabeth joined in and then everybody thought it wasn't a bad idea. Micheal then said, "I honestly don't think that is Sadie, but since Chris is happy with this 'Sadie' looking dog, I guess we'll see what Scott says about this." So when they got home, Chris will soon realize Micheal was right.

"Ok, um, we've already got two dogs here, but you do realize you are responsible for the feeding and water," Scott said and his wife agreed when Chris, Micheal and Elizabeth showed him, Ian and Brandon their old dog after they told him everything that happened. "Of course I will, she has been my responsibility for a long time since she was 8 weeks old," Chris told Scott happily hugging Sadie. "That means we have thwee doggies," Ian and Brandon's 5 year old baby brother said making the older kids smile. "Then it's settled, now you kids really need to get to sleep, you've had a long night," Scott told all the kids. Micheal and Elizabeth got to stay up with Ian and Brandon only because they were old enough to not have a bedtime, while Chris led Sadie up to his room. He realized Sadie was walking up slowly to his room. "Well Sadie, this is our new home, you'll get use to it," Chris was telling his dog who walked slowly to him.

He opened the door for Sadie to walk through but Sadie just walked slowly to the door and stopped right there. That's odd, usually she runs in and jumps right on the bed before I could, but then again it's a new house and she probably isn't use to that, Chris shrugged it off and then asked Sadie, "well girl, go on, what are you waiting for?" The dog slowly walked in the room and then jumped on the bed and laid down but just stared at the bed frame where Chris usually lays his head down. Before he went to bed, Chris changed into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, turned off the lights and then hopped into bed. "Goodnight Sadie," Chris kisses his blank looking dog on the head and then he laid his head down. Sadie was still staring at his head blankly and she wouldn't take her eyes off him.

"And so I was like, 'oh really Sans, I can tell you haven't gone to the party because you've got no 'body' to go with," Elizabeth punned making Ian, Brandon and Micheal laugh. "That's so funny, I always thought because he's 'bonely," Ian punned again making them laugh again. "That was a good one Ian, it hit me in the 'funny bone,'" Brandon punned again making them laugh again. After laughing so much, Micheal went back to being serious, he asked them, "so, what do you guys think about Chris' old dog living here, or should I say 'new dog?' What I think is that this is freaky." "What's so freaky about a dog? I mean, it barely acted like any of our dogs, but maybe because it's well behaved," Ian answered. "I swear the dog was dead, I saw it get hit," Micheal told them and everyone went silent.

Chris couldn't help but notice that Sadie still hasn't shut her eyes or moved from her place. It was starting to get a little freaky but he tried to stay calm, "Sadie, what's up?" He listened to her breathing, he noticed it wasn't normal dog breathing, it felt heavy and low, almost like a person. Meanwhile with the older kids, "I don't know, I just think something is really off about that dog," Micheal finally told them and Ian added, "well I think it's freaky that a dead dog just suddenly appeared on your door step now that I think about it." Elizabeth pieced the pieces together then she said, "um, I don't know if I told you but the difference between Flowey and Ennard's impersonations is that Ennard takes impersonation to the next level. He sometimes wears the skins of those he's impersonating so he can get to what he wants." "So, do you think this Ennard you guys speak of is... uh oh," Brandon said and then he started to get scared realizing it could happen. "He wore our dad's skin, that probably means our dad has been dead all that time he attacked us and it was Ennard who tried to kill me and... guys, we've gotta get that dog out of this house and fast," Micheal told them with a shocked face. Just when he said that, the two family dogs started furiously barking outside of Chris' door.

"Sadie?" Chris asked the dog feeling her growl and vibrate, he backed away getting frightened. The dogs outside the door kept barking and at that point, Chris discovered the awful truth, it for sure was not Sadie. The dog's face started opening up into a fleshy view of inside to reveal a robotic face underneath it. Chris had his eyes wide open with shock seeing what he thought was his dog was actually something else hidden underneath. Suddenly, it started to speak, "Hello Chris, long time no see!" Chris screamed loudly as the creature started crawling out of the corpse. He saw the dog corpse fall on the ground and the bloody creature revealed itself to be an endoskeleton Chris could only guess was Ennard. Ennard was going to bite Chris until the door bursted open, letting the dogs in and the dogs started attacking Ennard. It was Micheal, Ian, Brandon and Elizabeth only Elizabeth was in her Circus Baby form. Ian grabbed a baseball bat and whacked Ennard and so did Brandon. Micheal ran to Chris' aid trying to calm him down. Ennard screeched as the dogs were bitting him then Circus Baby punched him away from Chris. They were no match for him so he escaped through the window.

All five of the kids watched with just a look of shock then Micheal said, "guys, we really need to get rid of that creature. We'll go tomorrow."

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