definitely cursed - prologue

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Izuku Midoriya was done. He was sick and tired of being discriminated against, bullied, and pitied. Trying to be a hero sucked. So what to do?
He decided to become a villain. Society had made him and the world would fear him...

Wait a minute was that an explosion?!

He ran to the scene of the explosions, and found someone being suffocated by the same sludge villain he had earlier and- Kacchan?!

He was running before he even knew what he was doing.

Izuku got nothing out of rescuing Kacchan except for a silent admonishing from himself and one out loud from the heroes at the scene.

I'm trying to be a villain now, why'd I even do that? He scolded himself mentally, scowling as he walked home.

If Kacchan knew what was going on, he would have mocked him with something along the lines of "You're trying to be a villain and you can't even do that right, Deku!"

He huffed out a laugh. That wasn't true, Kacchan would probably punch him if he found out. He then found himself imagining Kacchan's face when he realized he bullied someone into a villain.

"What the hell Deku?! You're trying to be a villain?!" He heard from behind him, not a second later.

Just his luck.

"Ahaha! K-Kacchan w-what're you talking a-about?" He smiled, hoping to play dumb.

"Don't play dumb, damn it!" Kacchan yelled, getting closer to him and gripping his collar. Spittle flew.

Actually, this is kind of gross. Izuku hummed mentally, thinking about the fleck of spit that landed on his neck. Ew.

     "You're a pathetic villain if you can't even stop muttering out loud about your secret identity!" Kacchan growled at him, way too close for comfort. Kacchan wound up a punch.

Izuku blinked. Wow. I was right.

"I-it's not like you can arrest me or anything. All I did was say something to myself quietly. For all you know, y-you could've misheard me!" He stuttered, hoping to avoid having his career ended before it even began.

At that, Kacchan stomped off.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter, damn Deku! Villain or not, you're nothing but a stepping stone for my hero career!" Kacchan growled over his shoulder.

Izuku sighed in relief and deflated a little. Finally, he continued his walk home. He closed his eyes and breathed in for a second, urgh, what a long day.

And then All Might appeared.

Izuku began to seriously consider if he was cursed.

"All Might?" He asked incredulously.

"I-but- y-you were surrounded with reporters!" He yelled at the symbol of peace, very confused.

All Might laughed his signature booming laugh. Izuku zoned out then, ignoring All Might.

"-an? Young man?" The tall, gaunt, deflated form of All Might called.

Wait, when did he deflate?, Izuku wondered, looking up at the blond man.  Why would the number one hero decide to seek out a scrawny, Quirkless middle schooler?

Was he actually a child predator or something? That would suck. Well, nothing to do now but find out.


    "Young man, you too can become a hero."

    Izuku felt like crying. Not in the way he would've ten hours ago, but because seriously? The second he decides to become a villain the number one hero believes he can be a hero?

    Izuku decided that yes. He was definitely cursed.

yay, a little mini prologue. hope you enjoyed
ill try to update pretty often
if I want to
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thanks for reading
word count (not including author note):
562 words
date posted: 6/16/20

attempted evil - a (not so) villain deku storyWhere stories live. Discover now