stupid - IV

27 4 12

Does he mean go? Or is he going to count down? Nobody else is moving so maybe-

"Get moving!" Was all he had to hear before he took off into the arena.

He ran until he found 2 faux villains. 1 and 2 points. According to Present Mic, 1-pointers were easy to take down, but didn't give many points, as the name suggests.

That begs the question if he should try to take down a lot of 1 or 2 point robots or take down as many 3-pointers as he could? He grimaced, narrowly avoiding an attack. Not enough time to contemplate on it now. He frowned as he kicked the 1-point robot crawling towards him. He pulled on the metal of one of the arms, surprised at how easily it came off. Oh right. He's lifted a car before. He could probably lift around 600 pounds without a Quirk. He brandished his newfound weapon, shielding a hit from the 2-pointer and smashing the top of the 1-pointer with it.

Getting a running start towards the two pointer, he threw his piece of metal straight into the middle of it. He slid under its legs, effectively and cleanly taking it down as fast as he could. Ripping a new piece of metal from it, he ran to look for more robots.

He ran around, taking down as many low pointers as he could, as fast as he could without the use of One for- his Quirk. It was his now. Nobody else's.

He ignored other participants, trying to get a high score. He needs to get a good score. He needs to get into U.A. He needs to prove that he's not worthless. He needs to be the best-

Oh. He thinks. Is this how Kacchan feels all the time?

He shook his head in the middle of bashing a 2 pointer.

Opting not to compare himself to Kacchan ever again, he ran to look for more bots. There are even more participants running around. A few of them shout out their scores...? Why are they doing that?

Spotting a familiar bob of brown hair, he thinks he sees the rosy cheeked girl from earlier. There are several robots floating around her, which is interesting. He makes a mental note to write it down.

She presses her fingers together, and shouts, "Release!" The robots come crashing down into debris around her.

What a cool Quirk. Hopefully she gets into U.A., so he can see it up close. Telekinesis? Hmm... Gravity Control? Floatation in general? Maybe it's something specific like wind control, or powerful metal manipulation.

Just as he is about to get moving, a giant footstep thunders through the fake city. A huge robot steps toward the examinees.

Is... is that the 0-pointer? His heart thunders in his ears.

They really must have a high budget, Izuku thinks as test-takers flock past him.

He can do nothing but stare at the Goliath as it stomps towards him. He should probably run before he gets crushed.

"Less than two minutes remaining!!" Present Mic's voice sounds across the faux city.

Only two minutes left, huh? His mouth sets into a grim line.

He's about to start running from the monster of a robot until he hears someone cry out in pain.

He whipped around, looking for the source of the sound. The girl with the brown hair and the cool Quirk. She's caught under rubble and is about to be a splatter across the pavement. Isn't this a serious endangerment of her life? He frowns. Does U. A. not care if she's injured permanently, or gets a fatal injury? He grits his teeth. That's stupid.

Izuku doesn't hesitate.

Curse himself and his stupid heroic streak!

He runs and jumps towards the giant, activating his Quirk for the first time.

He sprains his ankle but he grits his teeth through the pain. He's lucky it's nothing else.

He rears back his right arm, balling his hand into a fist. He throws the punch in one swift motion. The metal groans and dents under his attack. It falls over, defeated.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Agh, his hand is probably broken. Scratch that. Definitely broken. Super broken. Totally wrecked.

Aha.. at least it's not his whole arm...?

But now he's falling. He can try to... erm. Maybe he can-? No that wouldn't quite work. Oh no. He's drawing a blank.  He can try and use his Quirk again but he'd probably break more than just his hand...

He shut his eyes against the wind. Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die.

Just as he was about to power up his Quirk, a hand flew across his face... and... he wasn't falling.

"Release." Heaved a familiar voice.

Oh. The nice girl used her Quirk on him.

And... she looked like she was going to be sick.

"Are you okay...?"

"Am I okay?!" She shouted incredulously. "You just punched that giant robot and almost fell!" She yelled, throwing her hands up, before seemingly getting dizzy and putting her head down.

"W-well... uh-"

"And that's it! Time's up!" Present Mic yelled, accompanied by the blaring of an alarm.

The girl next to him groaned, and he swayed on his feet.

And then she puked.

"Quit moping already, you stupid brat." Tomura growls at Izuku.

Izuku looked up at him from his position of face planted on the bar.

"I probably didn't even make it in..."

"Can you shut the hell up?" Tomura spits. "You have All Might's Quirk!" He yells, punctuating the sentence by spreading his arms.

Izuku picks up his head to look at him better. He doesn't have 'Father' on his face.

He scrunches his face as if he's just made a realization. "Why didn't he just recommend you?"

Izuku goes back to laying his face on the bar, to Kurogiri's dismay. 

"My mom doesn't know I know him."  He mumbles to the wood.


"I said, my mom doesn't know." He whines.

"Why didn't you tell your mom?" Tomura asks, like it's Izuku's fault.

"All Might told me not to tell anyone." Izuku groans.

"That's stupid." Tomura glares.

"I know, Tomura."

"All Might is stupid." Tomura snarls, scratching his neck.

"I know, Tomura."

"All Might is such a goddamn idiot, just like the rest of those lame mini bosses, just like all those stupid smiling NPCs who think-"

Oh, great. This again.

so that's the entrance exams, yay
hopefully will update every week from now on
thanks for reading

word count:

date posted: 8/4/20

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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