now or never - I

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"I deem you worthy of my power. My Quirk is yours to inherit." All Might said, spreading his arms out.

"What?" Izuku replied, very intelligently.

"Wait... what do you mean inherit? Inherit... what exactly...?" Izuku asked. You can do that?

All Might laughed at him. Laughed. Was this some kind of sick joke? What if someone comes out and tells him it was a prank show and Kacchan sees it and so does everyone at school and they all laugh? What if this guy really isn't All Might and is going to sell him into a drug trafficking ring? What if this is a test because Kacchan told the police he's aiming to be a villain and then All Might will arrest him and Mom will cry because her only son is in prison and then Kacchan will laugh and-

"You should see your face right now!" All Might smiled.

Izuku was honestly kind of offended.

"What's wrong with my face?" He scowled.

"Nothing, nothing." All Might placated, stepping closer.

"Don't worry. It's not like I'm gonna force this thing on you." The blond continued.

"So, do you want to accept my Quirk or not?" He asked, blood spurting from his mouth.

What is he talking about?

All Might wiped the blood off of his face.

"There are a few things you should know about my Quirk. Journalists always guess that it's super strength, or-"

"Uhm... Y-you don't need to explain journalist theories... I already know most of the popular theories. I've- um... written a few myself..." Can he please get to the point? Izuku was a hero fan for most of his life...

"Oh. Well, the reason I always dodge the question in interviews is because the world needs to believe that their symbol of peace was born a hero. I wasn't." The skinny man explained.

"In fact, there's nothing natural about my Quirk... I didn't naturally manifest it. In fact, it is a sacred torch that someone else passed to me."

"Someone... gave you your Quirk?" Izuku asked, bewildered. What?! That's impossible! Unheard-of! Maybe this really is a prank or a joke and everyone in the world will laugh about how gullible he is and then nobody will believe him when he becomes a villain and they'll just laugh at him a-

"Yes. And you're next. I can pass my Quirk to you."

Okay. Well. If this is real this can be Izuku's first... crime? Tricking All Might into giving him his Quirk. Which doesn't make sense anyway because ever because since the dawn of Quirks passing them as if they're presents is totally unheard of! Minus whispers of a boogeyman who can take Quirks in unheard-of internet forums. But that's all talk... If it's really true that you can pass on Quirks... scientists would need to rethink ev-

"Quit nerding out!" All Might called. How rude.
"You're overthinking this whole thing. I can transfer my Quirk to someone else. And that's only a facet of my Quirk."

"My Quirk... is named One For All. One person cultivates the power and passes it to the next holder. It grows stronger and stronger as it's passed along... It is this power that allows me to save people." He continued.

Izuku clenched his fist. This could be game changing. This could even help him with villainy! It's now or never.

"Yes, I accept!" he yelled, fist clenched so hard that his fingernails were digging into his palm.

"No reluctance, huh? That's the spirit, kid." All Might smiled.

Izuku should've realized that it wouldn't be so easy.


Dagobah Municipal Beach Park: Several Days Later

Izuku groaned, trying to pull a fridge with All Might on top of it.

"Don't you think I should start with something smaller?! It doesn't make sense to try and lift something this heavy immediately!" He yelled, hoping to convince the hero.

"People move these everyday, y'know! And most of them don't even have super strength." All Might replied, smiling his trademark smile.

"But I don't have super strength!" He cried. Why would he think a skinny Quirkless middle schooler would be able to pull a fridge around with the number one hero on top?!

"Why do you even have me dragging trash across the beach anyway?!" He questioned.

"Your body is weak and not at all prepared for One For All! Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried!" The number one hero explained, as if it was completely normal.

"WHAT?!" Izuku screamed.

"Tell me, young Midoriya. You're aiming to get into U.A, correct?" The blond man smiled.

"I- um- n- maybe? I guess? It was my dream school for most of my life..." Izuku... didn't really want to go to U.A. Especially since Kacchan would be there. Not to mention the fact that Izuku was aiming to be a villain... But it wasn't like he could casually tell that to All Might himself!

"Well then! The entrance exams are in only 10 months, so you'll have to train your body super fast! I did some research, and this beach used to be beautiful before all of this trash was dumped on it!" All Might smiled, crushing the fridge he was sitting on with ease.

"So- I have to clean this entire beach!?" Izuku exclaimed, with a vague hand gesture toward the shoreline.

"Not only that, but I made a whole training plan and diet that you'll need to stick to to be in perfect shape to get into U.A." All Might revealed, giving a thumbs up.

Izuku groaned. This was going to be hell.


In all honesty, even Izuku himself thought this was a bad idea...

He had caught wind of villains trying to form an organization, which hadn't really been a thing for years.

As an aspiring villain, of course Izuku was interested. So, that's how he found himself walking through a very shady town, doubting himself.

Izuku stopped in front of the address, a particularly shady bar. Why did he think this was a good idea...? What if All Might suspected him? That would be almost four months of training like hell for nothing!

Steeling himself, he raised his hand. Now or never. Taking a final sigh, he lowered his head and opened the door and walked inside.

"Who are you?" Rasped a hoarse voice.

"H-hi...! I'm Izuku M-Midoriya..." He winced at the sound of his stuttering voice. He peered up through his bangs to find a man with light blue...? Silver? (Maybe it's just dirty.) Hair. He also had a lot of corpse hands (?) all over him. Are those real?!

"Aren't you a little young to be in a bar?" Asked the man, sarcastically.


wow! cliffhanger!
we have ofa explained and izuku getting swole.
and what's this????? tomura???? this soon in my story??? yes. fight me.
will Izuku get killed by tomura? Will he successfully join the league? is my pacing in this story horrendous? will all might get suspicious? where's Inko in all of this? will I ever stop using this stupid format?
find out in the next episode of attempted evil!!!!
(edit 6/18/20: fixed formatting)
thanks for reading

word count (not including a/n):


date posted:

6/17/20 (almost 6/18 because it's almost midnight at the time i'm writing this)

attempted evil - a (not so) villain deku storyWhere stories live. Discover now