and so it begins - III

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Finally. This was it, the culmination of the last ten months of bulking up, manipulation tactics, and combat training. Izuku felt a mix of relief and pride swell in his chest.

He smiled softly, his expression barely comparable to how he once beamed brightly. The beach looks great. Wow... did he do all that? Tears threatened to spill and he wiped them furiously, still a crybaby despite all of Sensei and Tomura's help.

Once the initial and excitement bubbled down, Izuku slumped. His eyelids felt heavy and everything hurt. He stepped back, stumbling off of the mountain of trash.

His eyes snapped open.

He's falling, oh no. Oh no. He's going to fall and snap his neck and splatter like an egg and All Might will find a new successor and then Mom will have a funeral for him and only All Might will come and Kacchan will spit on his grave oh no the ground is getting closer-

All Might buffed into his... muscle form? (What actually is that? Will Izuku have a muscle form if he gets the Quirk?) and, thankfully catches Izuku before he is reduced to a red splatter.

"Good work." The number one hero praised, as if Izuku didn't feel like he was dying of exhaustion.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he mustered a tiny smile, "Guess I did it, All Might..." He huffed, trying to get out of All Might's hold as quickly as possible, despite his shaky legs.

"You did good, kid. I gotta say I'm impressed!" The number one hero confirmed, pulling his phone from a pocket.

After a few seconds of silence, Izuku decided to speak up. "Uhm. Is now really the time to be using your phone?" He asked, knees wobbling.

"Give me a minute, kid." The hero murmured before presumably finding what he was looking for. He held up his phone for Izuku to see. A picture of himself was on screen from several months ago. He was barely into his training. He hadn't yet met the league, so he was alone, too. Scrawny, weak... good for nothing-

"This is you, ten months ago!" All Might proclaimed.


"Look how far you've come! Such improvement." He smiled, looking at Izuku with something like pride. "There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my full power set."


"But it's starting to look like you can do it," All Might assured, punctuating his statement by spreading his arms wide.


Izuku clenched his fist so hard it hurt, staring down at it in thought.

He couldn't help but ask. "...All Might... Do I deserve this? Are you sure?"

All Might laughed his booming laugh. "Are you really worried about that? After all of these months?" Clapping his hand on Izuku's back, he smiled reassuringly. (Or well, it was probably supposed to be reassuring. In this form, All Might was constantly smiling.) "It was your hard work that did this, not mine."

"Now. For your reward, Izuku Midoriya." He plucked a hair from his V-shaped bangs.

"This gift, you earned it with your own valiant efforts."

He wasn't the same useless, pathetic Deku from before. Determination back in place, Izuku resolved that he would do it. He would prove them all wrong, anyone who ever doubted him. He looked up at All Might.


"Eat this!"

Izuku stared blankly at him.


Izuku stepped towards the gates of his former dream school. Geez. U.A. is so much bigger in person. Steeling himself, he walked toward the entrance.


Oh no.

"Ahaha... Kacchan..." Izuku smiled the way Sensei taught him to. Please don't.

"The hell is a villain like you doing at a hero school?!" He snarled.

"We're all trying to become heroes here, Kacchan. No need for the insults." He said, placatingly. Kacchan grabbed his shirt, pulling their faces closer.

"I don't know what the hell happened to you, or what you're planning, you damn villain, but know that I'm only letting you go 'cause I don't want anything on my record." He growled softly. He pulled their faces close together, activating his Quirk, evident by the sound of sizzling and the smell of burning.

"And know that the second you try anything funny, you're dead, Deku." He spat. Literally. Ew. Does he not know the meaning of personal space?

With that, Kacchan stomped off.

He stared down at his scorched shirt. Seriously?

A gentle hand touched his shoulder and he whipped around to face a girl. Her brown hair framed her round, rosy face.

"Hey, are you okay? That guy seemed like a total jerk!" She said with a sort of righteous anger.

"Aha, yeah... That's Kacchan for you." He replied mildly, looking back down at his ruined shirt.

"Urgh, where does he get off at calling you a villain when he's acting like that?" She huffed.

Izuku opened his mouth to reply, but she interrupted. "Hey, wait. We're going to be late for the exam!"

She ran towards the entrance waving a hand at him. "It was nice talking to you!"

Huh. She seems nice. Izuku thought, smiling softly. Wait a minute.

He jolted forward, remembering that he was also taking the exam.

The area where the exam would take place was huge, in Izuku's opinion. They must have a very high budget. He absolutely did not roll his eyes.

How would he take down the robots, though? He could use his lessons in combat, obviously, but he had no idea how to use his Quirk. He could certainly try and rely on his combat skills alone, but would it work on the robots? How fragile were they? How do you even activate One for All?
What if someone got injured during the exam? How would they even-

He paused for a second when he realized the nice girl from the gates was there.

He went up to her but was interrupted by a large hand on his shoulder.

"Oh. Er. Hello?" He greeted.

"She looks like she's trying to focus on the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" Izuku plastered on a smile, despite his urge to scoff.

The boy who went up to him had broad shoulders and straight, blue hair. Huh. He kind of looks like Ingenium.

"Well, is that really any of your business? What if I just want to wish her good luck?" He ground out through his fake smile.

"Well, I cannot in good conscience allow you to interrupt her." Almost-Ingenium said.

He smiled at Almost-Ingenium, in what might've come off as threateningly if he didn't have such a baby face. "Well-"

"Right, let's start!" Present Mic exclaimed through the speaker.

Does he mean go? Or is he going to count down? Nobody else is moving so maybe-

"Get moving!" Was all he had to hear before he took off into the arena.

pretend the last month didn't exist so this is only 5 days after the last update and not one month
I wonder what will happen.

thanks for reading.

word count:
date posted: 7/27/20

attempted evil - a (not so) villain deku storyWhere stories live. Discover now