Randy's back

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Ever since he had left, Randy missed the turtles and being his ninja self. But he was afraid of hurting them or putting them in danger. He knew they could protect themselves but that still didn't make him feel better. At the moment though, he was sitting on the docks, letting his legs swing on the edge as he stared at the moon.

It was probably one of the only things that his and the turtles worlds had in common. That and the buses smell. He then smirked because of how corn this is compared to what he's done in the past but he didn't let that stop him. He sighed as he hugged on of his legs and closed his eyes. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Randy?" Randy yelped and turned behind him to try and find the source of the person yelling. There was no way the turtles and April had found him, he's been so good at it. He bit his lip as he tried to look for somewhere to hide. Then he saw a boat and jumped into it.

With Leo...

"Randy? You here bud?" Leo asked as he cupped his hand of his mouth to sound louder in hopes of find his friend. He walked down the dock that had one boat on it, the same one Randy was hiding in. "Randy?" He asked again, no response.

"How did he find me?!" Randy thought to himself as he watch Leo from behind a few crates. Leo looked around himself before sighing and looking at the ninja mask in his hand. Randy looked at it again and then at Leo who was glaring at it and tightening his grip on his swords handle.

He then yelled as he hit a pole on the dock with his sword. Randy watched as Leo kept at it until the sword started to emit a blue flame and sliced the pole in half. Leo started huffing as he stuck the sword into the ground and landed on one knee.

"They're right. Pops was right. If Randy doesn't want to be found, I should just stop wasting my time." Leo mumbled as he looked at the ground. He noticed he still had the mask in his hands and sighed before grabbing his sword and using it as a cane to keep himself up. He then simply set the mask on the ground and turned around to go.

"Well, well, well." A scratchy voice said, Leo looked up and groaned when he saw it was foot trio once again. "Seems like your all alone." He said with an evil grin.

"Guys, can we just not tonight?" Leo asked in annoyance, then the big one ran to Leo and grabbed him by the throat, causing Leo to drop his sword."R-really?!" Leo yelled as he tried to push off his hand.

"Yes! We actual won!" The girl said and looked around to see no one. "Even though we only caught one, I'm still counting this as a victory." She said as she put her hand on her hip. The three laughed as Randy looked at Leo fearful, what was he suppose to do?!

"I have to help him, but I don't have my-" He paused when he saw a glow. He turned to it and saw his mask.

"Let's head back, before the other three arrive." The bigger one said, they all nodded as Randy dashed to his mask, grabbed it and put it on. The three gasped as Randy was enveloped with dark red and black ribbons. Randy then grabbed his sword from his scarf and pointed it at the three with the moon shining on him.

"To late." Randy said, Leo smirked.

"Heck yeah!" Leo yelled as he raised his arms, the bigger one growled as he shoved Leo into the ground, knocking Leo unconscious as he rest on another beam that held the dock up. Randy glared at them as he held up his sword.

"Leave me and my friend and you wont get beaten like the sh'noobs you are." Randy warned, they all laughed and ran to Randy, he smirked as he jumped into the air and grabbed three balls from his pouch. "NINJA COLD BALLS!" He yelled and threw the balls on the dock, causing the top to be covered in ice.

"AH! I don't know how to skate!" The girl yelled as she slipped, Randy then landed on a pole and grabbed his Kama and started swinging it. He then jumped off and spikes appeared on his feet. He then ran to them and used his Kama to wrap it around the three and chain them against a pole.

"And that's how you do it." He said as he brushed off his hands. "No if you can excuse me." He said and ran to the hole where Leo was shoved down. He ducked his head in it and saw a bruised Leo hanging on a bar. He used another Kama to grapple onto another pole and slowly climb down to the tired turtle. He tied the end of the Kama around his waist and looked at Leo.

"Leo? you awake?" Randy asked, Leo groaned a bit as he tried to push himself up. "Hold on, save your strength." Randy said and grabbed his scarf and carefully wrapped it around Leo's belt. He then make his spikes on his feet appear again and walked up as he carefully pulled Leo up. "Almost there buddy." Randy said as he walked up, but then he froze when he saw head lights shine above him.

"Randy?" Leo asked, Randy shushed him as he heard foot steps.

"Woah, this is a lot different." A familiar female voice said, then they heard a thud.

"Jeez, I nearly fell off! How are we suppose to find them if we can't walk on ice!" A voice asked. Randy listened for them.

"I just hope Leo's okay, his room was a mess!" A high pitched voice yelled, Randy immediately knew who they were. He then grabbed a hot ball from his pouch and tossed it onto the boards.

"DUCK AND COVER!" Donnie yelled, the ball became hot and started to melt the ice. "What the-"

"DOWN HERE! I need help!" Randy yelled.

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