Let's have some fun

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C pov:
M😍}' Shit what if she freaks out and faints again I don't want her hurt '

C} uh oh this isn't good I really have to go find star , now more than ever but I don't even know where I am 😭

M😍} "Hey are you okay you look like your about to throw up ?"

C} "I really should be going now my sister is probably looking for me and I don't want her to think I've been kidnapped or something"

M😍} " Oh yeah of course we don't want that , but erm maybe you could meet my brother's first ? And then I'll take you straight back to the board walk I promise"

C} "well I would buuut erm Iii...... "

Too late before Cody could even finish he sentence she heard laughing and hooting coming from the cave mouth getting closer and closer

M😍} "Crystal I promise I'll stay with you the whole time and I'll drive you back okay "

Marko held out his pinky finger while looking straight into Cody's eyes internally praying she'd say yes to staying longer .
Cody looked straight back at Marco trying to see if what he was saying was the truth, but she already knew it was it was as though she could feel it deep inside that he'd always protect her , so with that she lifted her much smaller pinky to his and wrapped it around his causing a little shock to work its way up her arm leaving a trail of goose bumps behind .


D} "Paul do you really need to shout "

DW} "course he does it's Paul for god sake "

P} " aww thanks buddy"

D} "I don't think he meant it as a compliment"

P} "yeah well I'm taking it as one "

Cody watched the encounter happening while standing directly behind Marko holiday firmly into his multi coloured jacket wishing as hard as she could that they'd like her .

'huh like you , come on Cody be realistic they won't like you as there is nothing to like ! Besides that's not what I should be thinking I just hope they don't kill me or something'

Cough  cough

'Marko why would you deliberately draw attention to yourself!'

DW } hey Marko hows she doing

Dwayne already knew she was behind Marko he could smell she was really close , but didn't want to scare her in fear she'd pass out again

P} Yeah how is the little one doing?

C} 'wow it sounds like they actually do care '

M😍} "why don't you ask her yourself? Guys this is Cody"

Marko turned around and smiled at Cody taking her tiny hands in his and slowly turning them both to face the group , Cody surprisingly enough feeling calm about the situation where as usually she'd want to run for the hills right now holding Markos hands she felt as though she could take on the world .


screamed the tall blonde guy who looked like he's just came straight out of a rock and roll music video , causing Cody to let out a tiny giggle as he recited the line from Frankenstein .

D} So Cody how are you feeling?

Cody turned to face the man with short blonde who's voice sounded dark and dangerous , light blue pools gazed at her waiting for her answer as a grin creeped its way onto his face.

'god he's scary '

C}"errm iim finee thankk youu "

'wow way to go Cody real smooth '

Marko have her hand a little squeeze reassuring her it was okay and he was there causing Cody's heart to skip a beat.

D} "no need to be scared Cody were friends here" he said with what looked to be a genuine smile

P} "yeah girl don't worry we don't bite..... Much " paul said giving a wink at the end

A loud growl ripped through the air and Marko's eyes turned red with rage HOW DARE PAUL FLIRT WITH HIS MATE !!!


C}'WOW what ?! Where did that come from all the blonde guy did was wink it was clearly a joke , although I do like how Marko is getting kinda protective over me 😶🙈 but still I don't want him to fall out with his brothers because of me '.

Cody squeezed Marko's had just as he'd done before causing him to snap his head towards her in a flash

C} "It was just a joke Marko it's okay "
Cody said in a quite whisper

Marko seemed to relax at this doing something Cody wasn't expecting   he pulled her in for a hug wrapping one arm protectively around her waist and the other buried in the back of her hair placing his nose on the top of her head inhaling deeply as though he was breathing for the very first time . Cody froze for a second stunned at his sudden action yet didn't seem to reject the hug but instead slid her arms up so they hung over his shoulders connecting her hands in the process. Even though Marko was taller than her causing her to have to stand on her tiptoes cody felt comfortable like she was at home .

M😍} "I'm sorry if I scared you princess , I just didn't like the way he looked at you " Marko whispered into Cody's ear making the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end .

C} "he was only joking Marko its alright , besides he isn't my type "

' I have a type ? WELL DUH MARKO 😍 he's so dreamy '

The moment seemed as though it would last forever and honestly they both didn't want it to come to a end but like all things do it did .

D} "so with that out of the way let me introduce myself I'm David , this blonde idiot over here is Paul and this is dwayne "

Cody kept one hand in Markos and raised the other one to do a small wave .

C} "it's nice to meet you all I'm Cody "

D} "well Cody now we've all been introduced why don't we all get to know eachother more "

David walked away over to a small cabinet and retrieved what appeared to be a beautiful wine bottle , walking back over to the group Cody felt Marko tense beside her aswell as his hand lock harder on to hers .

C}' what's wrong with Marko ? , Oh no I've never drank alcohol before what if I throw up what if I get too drunk and do something stupid to embarrass myself ?! Maybe I should go now , star will definitely be looking for me '

But before Cody could open her mouth to deny the offer David beat her to it .

D} "let's have some fun".


Well everyone I hope you are all happy with this chapter 😊 more will definitely be on the way 😁 please feel free to comment if you've had a favourite part of the story so far I'd love to read some feed back xx

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