Chapter XVII.

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What are we doing? Was the first of many thoughts that came rushing to my mind. This is not meant to be a Iove story. He is an enemy.  I suddenly pulled away, knowing that this feeling I was getting isn’t right.

He slowly stepped back and looked to the ground as if he was ashamed. I did the same looking at the fallen leaves that were painted in all shades of red.

“I’m sorry if I…” Mordred apologized, his voice sounding hectic and embarrassed.

I quickly looked back at those sea blue eyes and said “No need to. I am sorry… I’m confused about this whole thing. Everything is happening just too fast for me. It’s just, I don’t belong here. This is not my home.”

I forced myself to turn around and walk away. It was really painful to just leave him there. I wanted to run back and kiss him once again so badly but I figured out it was better for me to spend some time alone.

I wanted to clear my mind from everything. From Merlin, Arthur, the “Quest”, Morgana and Mordred. But it was so hard not to think about him.

As I was walking I remembered all those walks me and my mom had. We always went for a walk through the forest that was nearby our house. I knew that forest so well… You could always sense the freedom in it. I used to go there and play silly little games pretending I was a hero, like Robin Hood or a knight who will protect the poor and weak. I always dreamed of adventures with knights, swords and battles. About magic and being “the chosen one” to rescue others from the darkness.

I couldn’t stop smiling at that thought. Now I was able to be a knight or even a hero. But the question was still the same. How will I save them, I know nothing about magic and can only swing a sword. So how will I stop Morgana if I couldn’t stop here back there?

But standing there and seeing all of that in front of your eyes, made me think, maybe I’m not good enough to be a knight, or princess or anything in between.

I walked down deeper into the forest. The wind was slowly brushing against my pale skin. Those questions were incised into my head. Suddenly a rustle of leaves echoed in my ears and I knew someone was coming from behind.

The first thought was – Mordred, who wanted to talk to me, but then I saw something was coming from the other direction. I slowly hid behind a big tree and prayed the creature wouldn’t notice me. I bend slightly to the left to check if it was still there hoping it moved on, but then a warm wind joined with the sound of breathing in and out embracing my cold neck.

Shocked, I slowly turned around to see a black creature. Wide like a bear, eyes pure red as blood, with a face similar to a wolf. Not to mention how ugly it was. With dark fur and sharp, long claws. Its mouth was wide open, ready to roar. I could smell its breath. The horrifying stink came out of something that has died not once, but over and over in its stomach.

I was so close to just throw up in front of it but then the sound of a howl reminded me to run and save myself. I was running so fast I couldn’t even feel my legs that were trying to escape this madness. At the same time I tried to pull out the sword from my belt but it got stuck.

So I decided the best idea is to climb a tree and hope the creature would leave me alone. I almost made it! I said to myself. But just before my right leg could rest in the branches of an old oak, the claw of the beast grabbed it.

I started screaming in pain and wished that I haven’t left Mordred at all, but then my other side, the side who is always brave, told me to grab my sword and save myself. I didn’t hesitate.

I forcefully pulled the sword out with my right hand, while the other tried to hold the rest of my body. I threw the sword so hard, that if a person would stand in the place the beast was right now, he would get sliced through and through.

It landed right in the middle of it’s head. Of course that killed it immediately and the claw let go of me.

I waited a minute longer just calming myself down saying that it was the only thing I could do at that point. As I started to breath normal again, I heard someone rushing through the bushes. It was Mordred.

“Emma!”  he shouted a few times until he found me. He had a horrified look on his face when he stopped and saw the creature on the ground. He slowly looked up.

You killed it?” he said shaking.

Yes…” I said with proudness in my voice. I jumped of the tree and felt the pain in my leg. I couldn’t balance myself so I fell to the ground just inches away from the beast. Mordred reacted quickly. He held out his hand for me to take it, and as I did I felt something. Now this will sound so cheesy, but I really felt something powerful.

Was it affection or just the fact that he’s a powerful wizard? I shook the thought away and looked deeply in to his eyes. We stayed like that for a moment, just inches away from each other. It looked kind of like the movie scenes – just the rain was missing.

I started to lean in, but he quickly looked at my injured leg saying “We should go back and fix this, before anything worse happens…”

I was a little disappointed. But I guess he just listened to my words… I put one of my arms around his neck and he hold me, helping me to walk back to the shelter. 


Oh, my god. I uploaded a new chapter after years. Why is that you ask? Bc I'm a big fat lazy ass, that's why haha. Now but seriously, how did you like it? Should I continue to write it, or ? Thank's a lot for your love. It means a lot to me <3 As well, do you have any ideas or whises to be included in this story feel free to leave a comment on that.

Thank you a lot,

love, photographs daughter.

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