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"She didn't want love. She wanted to be loved and that's entirely different."

Y/n's POV:

"Morning Doctor. Sign in for me and you'll be good to go." The skinny man said, hoisting up his pants that seemed far too big for him.

The black ink of the pen stained the page while the ball of the utensil glided across the paper. My name stood out on the third line down from the bottom as I plopped the pen back into the small container.

"You're good to go." The security officer cleared his throat. I nodded, grabbing my briefcase and the drink carrier with two coffees set inside.

My shoes clicked down the hall, two guards on either side of the door at the very end. When I got there they gave me a curt greeting and opened the door for me. The door slammed behind me and caught the attention of the woman in the cage. She stood up from the ground when she saw me, her eyes staying locked in the cage.

"Goodmorning." I smiled softly, grabbing her coffee from the styrofoam drink carrier, wincing at the noise it made. I walked over towards the bars of the cell, "I bought you a coffee."

Harley hesitantly took the coffee from my outstretched hand, "Awfully nice of you, doc. What's the occasion?"

I chuckled, taking a sip of my beverage, "Just thought we could get to know each other is all."

Harley burst out laughing, her pink lips curled up in a wide smile, "she is cute, isn't she."

My eyebrows furrowed downwards in confusion and the inmate leaned forward, pointing towards her head, "The voices. They like to tell me story's."

I opened my notebook and scribbled down the little tidbit of information, looking back up at the pale woman, "You were a Doctor before this, right? A Psychiatrist like me?"

"Yeah that's right, sugar. That's how I met Mr. J and fell in love." Harley sighed dreamily, "So I wouldn't waste your time getting to know me, he'll be coming for me."

"You think your boyfriend is going to break you out of a max security prison?" I asked.

"I don't think, I know. Mr. J always comes back for me because what's the Joker without a lady on his shoulder."

"Still the Joker?" I raised an eyebrow in question, trying to figure out what was going on inside her head.

"You're not in a relationship so you wouldn't get it." Harley shook her head, taking a few gulps of her coffee.

"How do you know I'm not in a relationship?" I asked, kinda offended she assumed I was single.

"Because you're sitting here talking to me. If you did have a girlfriend, you wouldn't be here wasting your time."

"Right because the Joker is coming to break you out." I rolled my eyes.

Harley grinned, "Now you're getting it!"

"Getting off topic from the Joker.. what was your life like before him?"

Harley shrugged, "I don't remember life before him. He is my life."

I scoffed, "He made you like this, but you weren't like this your entire life."

"Aren't you supposed to be listening to my problems?" Harley huffed, grabbing the cloth she had in her cell to swing on like a trapeze artist.

I leaned back in the metal chair, slightly raising my hands up, "Go on."

"well for starters, my coffee is gone." Harley giggled, turning upside down on the makeshift swing.

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