♦️ 9 ♦️

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"Mirror, mirror on the wall was I always meant to fall?
Roses white and dying light
Silvers sweet forgiving bite
She'll ask "why"
No answers found
And I'll rot deep
Beneath the ground."

Harley's POV:

I sat alone in my cell now, the coldness sending a chill down my spine. My pale skin had faded bruises on them while I watched the video of me talking to myself over and over and over again.

What were they talking about, y/n was in the video! I could hear her! I could see her! Why were they trying to make me feel so crazy?!

I had to prove them wrong! I paused the video ten seconds before it ended, rewinding it and watching it from the very beginning.

My eyes rolled when a notification popped up to warn me that there was only twenty percent battery remaining. I clicked the okay button and turned the tablet off, pushing it further away from me while I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

The door unlocked and in strolled Griggs, two of his guys pushing in the metal chair they planned on strapping me too, along with the three large cans full of vile foods they wanted to shove down my throat.

"Alright sweetness, you know the drill." Griggs whistled lowly, sauntering up towards the cage.

"I have something I need you to do." I walked over to the bars, still keeping my distance.

The pudgy man laughed, "I don't take orders from you, doll face."

"Please, I just need you to record audio of a conversation between y/n and I. If you do that, I'll be nice and not kill some of your men."

The officer scoffed, nodding his head while he pulled out his phone, showing me that he was recording a new audio file.

"Thank you." I mumbled, "What time is it?"

"Twelve right on the dot."

I nodded, knowing my session with the doctor was supposed to start soon. Any minute now she was going to stroll in with two cups of steaming coffee, one for her and the other for me.

A few moments later, doing nothing but chewing my nails in anticipation, y/n strolled in looking disheveled, two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Here. They were all out of the syrup they put in the normal drinks I get you, so I got you something different this time." Y/n cleared her throat.

"Thank you." I mumbled, taking a sip of the sizzling hot beverage. My taste buds ignited as the explosion of the cherry flavored coffee mixed wonderfully with the French vanilla creamer, a few dashes of chocolate syrup to add another layer.

"I see you're talking to me again. Was almost afraid you were going to give me the silent treatment." Y/n chuckled.

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I took another slow slip of the coffee, "I could never stay mad at you. Not when you try so hard."

"You know I don't think you're as crazy as people think you are." Y/n murmured.

"No? Well, maybe you should start listening to people. It started when he told me he loved me," I giggled, running my fingers back and forth along the bars of the cell, the coldness biting at the ends of my finger tips.

"Was this during your time as a Psychiatrist?"

"He told me that he loved me during, but he wanted to know if I could live like him, if I could become like him. He told me he would love me even more if I did. So I fell down, down, down, until everything just stopped."

"Do you have regrets?" Y/n whispered.

I shook my head, leaning against the cell, "I don't have regrets. I live in the chaos of my decisions and watch as it all plays out."

"And if you had the option to save the world, become something different in people's eyes, what would you say?"

"I don't care what people think of me, I do bad things and I do them well. I think if I was being a hero I wouldn't be myself."

"But would you regret not trying?"

"I told you I don't have regrets. The world is going to blame us villains for their problems. Even if I saved a few civilians, it wouldn't change their opinion."

"I thought you didn't care what people thought about you?" Y/n raised an eyebrow in question, "Sounds like you do."

"I don't. People are afraid of things they don't understand, I'm not something that's easy to comprehend."

"But could you forgive yourself for not allowing yourself to change?" Y/n asked and for several moments I just looked at, not speaking, feeling as if I wasn't even breathing.

Y/n licked her lips, sitting straighter in the chair while she tucked the pen behind her ear, "People don't expect angels to set the world on fire."

"They don't expect the devil to change the world either."

Y/n smiled faintly, her watch beeping on her wrist and that was all the time we had for today's session. When the doctor left, I turned to Griggs and I told him he could stop the recording now.

"Play it." I bounced up and down. He pressed play and made sure the volume on the phone was all the way.

"What am I supposed to be hearing?"

"Sh!" I hissed.

"All I hear is your voice." Griggs huffed.

"What are you talking about? There's two voices on the recording." I scoffed.

"No there's not. It's just your voice." He rolled his eyes, starting the recording from the very beginning.

My breath caught in my throat when the first ten seconds of the recording was silent, my voice coming in a few seconds later.

But I just heard y/n! She was just talking! I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends and pulling. I collapsed to my knees, wrapping my arms around my middle as I panted heavily, trying and failing to suck in air.

Hot tears streamed down my face as I sobbed brokenly, shaky sobs wracking through my body as I literally held myself together. The walls seemed to be caving in around me, my throat closing as I began to suffocate. I was drowning, water gurgling inside of my lungs.

"They don't expect the devil to change the world either." My voice rang out loudly inside of my head, the corners of my vision turning blue before my head slammed against the floor.

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