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"You only exist in moments."

Harley's POV:

My head was pounding, a faint ringing remaining constant in the back of my skull. It seemed to be the least of my problems, though. My tongue poked out and swiped along my dry lips, swallowing down as much saliva I could so I didn't have a cottonmouth.

Even with my eyesight slightly blurred, I could still make out the small puddle of blood from where my head smacked the ground. My fingertips danced up to my face, touching the cut as the warm blood coated my finger pads. Again, I think that seemed to be the least of my problems. The main one being y/n, the woman who sat criss cross in front of me on the other side of my cell.

"You're not real." I husked, pulling myself to sit up, slumping back against the bars of the cage.

"Yes I am."

I shook my head, eyes fluttering back into my skull, "No you're not." I croaked.

"You're lying to yourself, Harles. I'm real. I'm here." Y/n exasperated.

"Harley doesn't like things that are real." Mr. J cackled, opening the door to my cell, "She likes the adrenaline in the unstable things. Will she fall, or will she fly?"

I shoved my head between my knees, rocking back and forth in the corner of my cell.

"I'm here, Harley. They're just trying to make you feel crazy." Y/n cooed softly.

"I'm not crazy!" I snapped, looking into y/n's face, her skin a lighter shade than I remember. There were deep bags under her eyes and her cheekbones were a little more defined.

"No, doll, you're insane!" Joker cackled, doing a little dance in his spot, "I bet if you were more mentally stable, y/n would still be alive."

My gaze drifted back towards y/n, my eyes widening as I scrambled further into the corner. Her skin began peeling off, revealing the bones and her eyes were rolling back into her skull, blood pouring out of them.

Her mouth dropped open and a large scorpion came crawling out, hissing as it stabbed me in the leg. I winced, my hand shooting down to hold the wound as small amounts of blood seeped through my fingers.

"Harley!" Y/n screamed, looking much more normal than she did before.

"You're not real." I murmured, barley above a whisper I was so frightened by the thoughts and images inside of my head, "You only exist in moments."

Y/n half smiled, "Then let's make this one count."

Y/n grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the door of my cell, pushing it open with ease.

Third Person POV:

Griggs entered Harley's cell block, instantly grabbing his taser gun when he noticed Harley push the door open to her cell, stepping out.

"Hey! How did you get out?!" Griggs shouted, keeping his finger on the trigger of the stun gun.

Harley smirked and charged the man, sliding on the floor like she was about to make a home run, kicking his left ankle and the guard went down. Quickly standing to her feet, the inmate stomped on his throat and crushed his windpipe.

Harley grabbed his pistol, shooting the other guards rushing into the room. Being smart, she grabbed the bullet proof vests off one of the bodies, strapping it tight on her small frame. She ripped Griggs keycard off of his person, knowing she was more than likely going to need this at some point.

Harley Quinn fought recklessly, there was no way to predict the move she was going to make. She fought dirty and came out on top every time. A trail of bodies littered the asylum corridors, and she even made it to the main control room and let out all the other inmates, giggling to herself as they began wreaking havoc on the guards who tried to stop them.

For Harley Quinn, it felt good to be bad.

Eden sat in her office, checking the clock every five seconds it seemed. She checked her watch, then the clock, would take a sip of her coffee, check her watch and the cycle would repeat. On occasion she would break the cycle and her gaze would drift over towards the door, in hopes that Harley Quinn was going to walk through them.

They had a therapy session after all.

With a heavy sigh, Eden pulled out her phone and dialed her brother's number. James was a member of Gotham's police force, highest rank in his squad and even top of the class during the academy.

"Hello?" James grunted through the speaker.

"Hey.. can I ask a favor?" Eden tapped the ball point pen against the notebook.

"Sure. What's up?"

"I need a welfare check done on Harley Quinn. She's an inmate at-"

"Yeah I know who she is." James grumbled, "I'll make my way over there and let you know what I find."

"Thanks." Eden chirped, ending the call with her brother, hoping that things were going well for the woman.

When the police showed up, they were instantly on high alert when they noticed the vast amounts of inmates running rampant through each cell block. When they made it to Harley's cell block, the cage to her cell was left wide open and there were a few bodies lying dead in the room.

"Jesus." James huffed, stepping over Griggs body.

"One woman did all this?" Another office gasped in shock.

"Never underestimate the power of a woman, Bridges." James shook his head, "Get forensics in here and call for backup. And have the new guy order coffee, it's going to be a long night."

Amanda's POV:

My phone pinged and I wiped the corners of my mouth off with the napkin, setting it down next to my plate while I clicked on the new text.

Flag: got that information you wanted. Y/n Y/l/n was a new lover to Harley. She was in her early twenties, was interning with a woman named Dr. Eden while also worked in a firm. She committed suicide two years ago. Put a bullet in her brain. Y/n was a nobody.

Me: she was somebody to Harley.. guess our girl wasn't as crazy as we thought. Thanks, Flag.

a/n: one more chapter and then the prequel will be up

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