Chapter 2

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Friday finally came and I told Mrs. White that there was an after school meeting about joining the student council and told her that I would be home super late. I stood waiting for the rest of the girls as Heath came up behind me, "So, you made it." I glare as a vine smacked his hand. "Yes, and I'm waiting for my friends." Heath smiled, "Well they're already waiting on us at our hideout." I look at him as he starts to fly; I follow him as the deep forest became more and more relevant. Heath beings to land while I follow him, the late summer sun shone on some metal on the ground.

There in the middle of the forest was a large seal on the ground. He twisted the lid open and motioned me to go first. I jump in and float down when I reach the floor Heath followed. It was oddly dark, but with glowing eyes, I could see just fine. "Alright lead the way." I motion him, as he smirks, "Alright, I will." After ten minutes of walking, I finally see a light at the end of the hall. Inside my friends are sitting on one side while on the other, it was Heath and his friends.

An older woman walks in, "Good evening First Creation; I'm Grace Kellie and I am the real creator of First Creation. My partner Dr. Flint Riverside wanted to make superhumans. For the good of humanity, but one day he told me that what I was doing was wrong and kept telling me, that we needed to stop testing on adults, and turn to where all the real superhumans were, children." I was shocked but kept listening, "Dr. Riverside and I fought for many weeks, but one day he came into work and showed me the proof of how my calculations were wrong and it was indeed working well with children."

I fixed my seating as she continued, "When I asked about the children he was using this on, he told me his niece and her classmates. I of course was horrified and called the police on him but it was already too late. You six could no longer return to human form. While he was in prison, he tried to create more Creation pills but failed without the rescores. Then when he was let out of prison he couldn't remember what went in it, and his family wouldn't allow him back in the house." I remember this: my grandparents got a call about him leaving prison and states that he was on his own.

The woman handed us each a file. "I have been studying all of you since the day you were all discovered. The only thing is; Flint is making as many Creation children; to bring you six back and he will want you to help him create more strong Creations." Yukii leans back, "So what, they aren't as powerful then why not stop them yourselves?" Dr. Kellie nods, "Yes that is true, but some are powerful, the problem is that these kids have been brainwashed like our little one in my testing room. She can't even tell you her name."

Vee looks back at the group, "So, you really just need the most powerful janitors, to clean up this mess your ex-partner did." she looked down, "Yes, but I will be paying you." I stop her, "Personally I don't need to be paid I just want my home safe." Dr. Grace clapped her hands, "Wonderful, you were the only one I was really worried about since you are his niece." Dr. Kellie clapped her hands, "Now that we're all co-working together. I would like it if we can test all your abilities." I stop her, "I understand that this is important, but I have many clubs and activities to do for school."

Dr. Kellie smiles, "Then you can leave, but your friends will be constantly getting better, while you can't protect yourself." I roll my eyes, "Then you're saying until training is finished ignore extracurricular activities?" She nods, "That's right Ms. Riverside, I know that you're a top student, and you're in classes because it's better than leaving your friends for your senior year or even college right?" I huff, "Fine, but the rest of the party here needs to try hard in their classes too." Heath looks over, "Alright, I bet I can have six A's on my grade card by the time winter breaks come around." I smirk I saw him sleeping in a class all week, "Fine if you don't, you will stop pursuing me." he nods, "Alright if I win, I can see us having a date for how many A's I do have." I roll my eyes, "Fine, just remember there are girls more your reach." I state as he spins in his chair. Dr. Kellie brought us, girls, into the back to better testing than what happened at the Doctor's office.

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