chapter 1

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Hinata POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and shut it off as quickly as possible so my uncle wouldn't know I was awake. I look up at the time, 6:47. "Damn it!" My uncle wakes up at 6:45 I try to leave before he wakes up but occasionally I wake up late. I get dressed and hide all my visible bruise with makeup. I rush downstairs and tried to leave out the door before my uncle noticed me but he did. "Hay!" My uncle shouted sounding very drunk. I stop and greet him with a bow. "Good morning sir." My uncle got up from the chair from where he was sitting and I braced myself for another beating. My uncle walked up to me and grabbed my hair. "You really do look just like your mother. It'd be a shame to kill you. I loved your mother, you know that? But she choice my fucking brother!" He said as he threw me to the ground. It wasn't the first time he started rambling about my mother but whenever he did I never really listened because she was gone now and nothing could change that. My uncle started kicking me in the stomach repeatedly. I could feel and taste the blood in my mouth. "U-uncle....I....h-have....sch-school." I managed to say in between me coughing up blood. My uncle stopped and took my face in his hands. "You can leave after you clean the floor. Have a great day. Remember uncle loves you." He said with a smile then walked away. He always says he loves me after he either beats me or sometimes rape. It's the same thing every time. I clean up and head to morning practice, I was already a bit late so I ran.

*Time skip gym*

As I reach the gym I recheck how I look so no one could see the bruises. I put on one of my biggest smiles and walk inside of the gym. "Haha sorry I'm late." I say with a smile as I set my bags down to go change.

Kageyama pov*

Hinata was usually on time but occasionally he would be late. Whenever he showed up late he would seem paranoid and afraid but he would always wear the biggest smile. Today was no different. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed that about Hinata or am I the paranoid one. Hinata never wants to change in front of us and Daichi says it's probably because he's insecure about his body. It makes sense but why do I feel so worried about him.

Third person pov*

Kageyama's thoughts were cut off by Hinata yelling his name. "Kageyama! Can you set to me please" Hinata said smiling. "Maybe I am the paranoid one." Kageyama thought. "You better be able to hit it dumbass!" Kageyama said in his usual tone. "I will!" Hinata said still smiling.
Hinata and Kageyama started practicing their quick attack. The first few times they went perfectly but Hinata stated slowing down. "Damn it! My stomach!" Hinata thought. "Hay dumbass your supposed to hit the ball!" Kageyama yell sounding annoyed. "Sorry Kageyama, just one more time." Hinata said barley being able to keep his smile because of the pain. Kageyama made his set to Hinata slightly easier because he was worried. Hinata jumped to spike the ball only to miss and fall to the floor in pain. "Hinata!" Kageyama screamed as he rushed to Hinata catching the attention of the team. After a few seconds the entire team was gathered around Hinata trying to see if he was ok. "Hinata what happened?" Suga said holding Hinata while Daichi tried to calm the rest of the team down. "I-i-i'm f-fine." Hinata said with a smile before he blacked out.

(Time skip)
Hinata pov*

I woke up and I was in a bed but it wasn't mine. I looked around and saw Kageyama asleep at the end of the bed and Suga sitting in a chair by a window deep in thought. "Where am I?" Suga looked at me in shock and Kageyama woke up with red eyes. Was he crying? "You're in the nurse's office." Suga said as he came and hugged me. I looked over at the time. 4:51 p.m. "it's late I really need to get home!" Shit I'm late he's going to be mad. Kageyama looked at me with a worried face. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked. My heart raced. Did he know something was going on at home? Impossible. "What do you mean?" I asked giving a smile. "It's just that you blacked out all day." Kageyama said. "Yeah will you be ok riding your bike up the mountain?" Suga asked sounding very worried. Thank goodness. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "I'll be fine." I said getting up and grabbing my stuff.

Kageyama pov*

Me and Hinata walked with each other like always before parting ways. After Hinata waved goodbye his smile dropped only for a little showing his true emotions. His eyes screamed for help as we parted ways. Something's wrong but what.

Hinata's pov*

I was late, really late! After parting ways with Kageyama I couldn't hide how scared I was. He was going to be mad for sure. Depending on how bad he hurts me I might have to miss school tomorrow. Part of me wanted to tell the team part of me believed they could help but I knew I couldn't bring them into this. My uncle is a burden that the team doesn't need. They're all way too nice me and I can't burden them with my problems. I'll have to deal with this on my own. I arrived at my house dreading what will happen once I stepped inside. I walked up to the door and heard music playing. I knew exactly what was going to happen. It's only happened a few times but whenever he plays music it means he's "in the mood". I opened the door and greeted by uncle with a bow. "I'm sorry I'm late sir." My uncle got up and walked over me. I knew what was going to happen and I was shaking in fear. My uncle grabbed my face and made me look at him. "What are you so scared of? I'm in a good mood can't you tell? I'll ignore the fact that you are so late this once but in return you give me what I want. Is that clear?" My uncle said with a smug look on his face. "Yes sir." "Call me uncle for now." He said letting go of my face. "Lock up the house and changed then meet your dear uncle in the bathroom." He said with a sinister grin before walking away. I did as I was told not daring to disobey.

I locked all the doors and windows in the house like I was told then I changed into shorts and a baggy tee-shirt and went to the bathroom as I was told. I was scared I didn't want to do anything but I also didn't want a beating. My uncle saw me and signaled me to come here. "You look just like your mother." He said while playing with my hair. He pulled out his member and told me to suck it. I was very hesitant I wanted to throw up. He grabbed my head and forced it down. "Don't make me repeat myself." He said in a more demanding voice. I was scared so I did as he said. It was discussing. I wanted to throw up. My uncle patted my head. "That's a good boy. See isn't it easy." He said. I just started crying. I didn't want to do this. "Can you go deeper?" My uncle asked shoving my head down onto his cock. I almost gagged, it was painful I just closed my eyes and cried. "I'm gonna cum. Swallow it." My uncle said holding my head down. After a bit his cum shot down my throat and I started having a coughing fit. My uncle started patting my head and calling me a good boy again. My throat was burning and I was disgusted with myself. Just as I stopped coughing my uncle pushed me up against the wall and started undressing me. I tried to resist but he only got more rough. After he undressed me he turned me around and used his body weight to pin me to the wall. Without warning he stuck his cock inside of me and I screamed out in pain. My uncle covered my mouth and without letting me adjust he thrusted into with a lot of force. I couldn't scream and I couldn't move crying was all I could do so I closed my eyes and cried hoping someone would help me, but no one did. After a while of my uncle roughly thrusting into me he came deep inside of me and I wanted to scream but he held my mouth shut. "Aw you're such a good boy. But it doesn't look like you cummed." My uncle said removing his hand from my mouth and towards my member. "Please no! Stop don't do this!" I cried out. "Why not let's go for round two. I'll stop once you cum." My uncle said smirking. My eyes widened. I didn't know what to do besides give in but I didn't want to. Without warning he started thrusting into me again but this time slower and more gentle as he rubbed my member while I was still pinned to the wall. He was trying to make me give in. I was fighting it as much as possible but my body betrayed me. All the pain turned into pleasure and I let out a small moan. My uncle smiled and went faster. I turned into a moaning mess. This wasn't fair. I don't want this. After awhile my uncle cummed again and I did slowly after. My cum got all over my uncle's hand and he laughed after he pulled out and stepped back I fell to the floor. "Act like that more you little slut. Uncle loves you." My uncle said smirking as he walked out. I just sat there and cried. I was discussing. I deserved all of that.

Hello thanks for reading! Comment and tell me what you think! I love reading comments and replying to them! The next update will be soon! Thanks (*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ

The Fallen Crows (Abused Hinata) (Kageyama X Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now