chapter 8

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Sorry for the long wait!

Third person pov*
(At karasuno two days later)

Nishinoya ran into the gym for afternoon  practice and was met with the sight of the rest of the team. "Hay, has, anyone heard from Hinata or Kageyama? Our practice game is tomorrow and they haven't been showing up to practice." Nishinoya asked sounding confused. "No I haven't heard from them. It's unlike them to just skip school." Sugawara replied sounding worried. "People have been saying sorry and asking if I'm ok all day. It's all really confusing." Yamaguchi said. "The same thing has been happening to me to." Daichi said walking out of the club room with the balls for practice in his hands."G-guys. You should see this. Coach Ukai walked into the room with a serious face and called for a team meeting. Everyone thought it was about tomorrow's practice game until coach Ukai started talking. "I'm sorry guys." He said with his head down as the team gathered around him. "What's wrong coach?"  Nishinoya asked still completely clueless. "It's my fault, I'm the adult, I should've been more help." Coach Ukai said as he took out his phone and showed it to the team.
His phone had a news report of two teenagers dead.
This morning two teens
Were found dead by a river with
Gunshot wounds to the head
The school ID's they were
Carrying identified the
Victims as Shoyo Hinata
And Tobio Kageyama
Time of death was about
Two days ago and the police
Isn't sharing anymore information
About the case right now so we'll keep
You update.

"Your joking right?" Nishinoya asked as he faced coach Ukai half crying and half laughing.
"They can't be gone. There's no way there gone. There our freaky duo. They'll show up to the practice game tomorrow! They never miss a game! They'll be there for sure. Right?" Nishinoya said as he slumped to the ground in disbelief. "Nishinoya I-" Asahi started before he just hugged Nishinoya as he started breaking down and the rest of the team realized that this was real. "Damnit that bastard Hinata called an uncle did it! I'll kill that bastard-" "Stop. Please." Suga asked cutting Tanaka off as he clung to Daichi's shirt. "What are we going to do? We can't do anything without them. It just wouldn't be the same." Yamahichi said as he clung to Tsukishima's shirt. "Well we are all close to them so the cops will want to talk with us eventually. I say we tell them about Hinata's uncle and get justice for them." Tsukishima suggested as he pushed up his glasses and looked away raping an arm around Yamahichi to comfort him. "I'm sorry-" "It's not your fault coach." Tanaka said cutting Ukai off. "Who knew that crazy bastard would take it so far." Tanaka finished with a tear rolling down his cheek.

Daichi's phone vibrated he let go of suga with one hand to see who it was and he got a text message from Iwaizumi.

Look, I am so sorry. The guilt is killing me and I have to get this off my chest.

What are you talking about? Right now might not be the best time so I'll have to text you later.  And about the practice game tomorrow we might have to cancel it.

But this is important it's about Hinata and Kageyama.

As Daichi turned off his phone and went back to comforting Suga there was a loud bang on the gym doors. Coach Ukai got up and walked over to the doors to see who it was. "National police agency! I want your hands behind your head and on the ground now!" Coach Ukai backed up and did as he was told and the team started to freak out as cops came in with guns and putting them in handcuffs. "What's happening?" Yamahichi asked on the ground in tears. "You are all suspects in the murder of Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama." A police officer said as he started walking Coach Ukai and the third years out to the police van first. "You have the right to remain silent anything you do say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

*Hinata and Kageyama pov*

Sorry about the short chapter but more will be coming soon!

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