"We've only got a few months! What do you think, Mr. Mentalist?"
"Hmm~ If I were thinking like Tsukasa, I'd say..."
As if he had grown the appearance of Tsukasa, his voice changed to the man's.
"Since we are in full control of the revival formula, the more time passes, the greater our manpower will be, leading us to victory."
Y/N shivered, impressed by Gen's impression.
"I haven't met Tsukasa but for some reason, I can t-tell how he looks and sounds like... However, will Taiju and Yuzuhira be alright?"
"Kukuku~ In order to destroy Tsukasa with a preemptive strike, we're going to make a cell phone! And we've got to do it by spring!"
Ginro and Kinro helped out with the spinning machine, everyone anticipating a good outcome. However, the rotating machine decelerated. Everyone started spurting out ideas, trying to figure out how to fix the issue.
"Why don't we make gears?"
The villagers looked at Y/N as if she was speaking some foreign language. In a way, the language of science was foreign to them.
"Kukuku! Kaseki, we'll need some badass craftsmanship!"
The old man took up a knife, swiftly following Senkū's instructions to make a gear. The lettuce-head pulls out Koahku's shield, eyes sparkling as it was the perfect material to make gears out of. Ginro interrupted his excitement,
"Hey... that shield is a momento passed down by the chief to his daughter Kohaku."
"Ah, well... It's something special her dad gave her... or something..."
Out of a sudden, Kohaku agrees into using it, causing Kokuyo to start crying thinking that the shield he gave was sentimental. She hammers in nubs into the shield, finalizing the gear that made the machine spine faster. Suddenly, as fast as lightning, Chrome and Kaseki went running away motivated. The two were such weird science fanatics. After making gold strings, Senkū twisted them to make a wire. Kohaku, amazed by the shining string, asked,
"Hmm... and how long do these wires have to be?"
"To that mountain."
Everyone's eyes bulged, looking at the faraway mountain top. Y/N sweatdropped,
"I-It's alright, everyone! If we work together, we can get it done quickly! I'll help out too!"
She brought people together into a circle, old and young, all of them coiled the string into wires. As she was monitoring the wiremaking, a tired chrome came crawling out from the riverside. They rushed to the riverside, eyes wide open, noticing what Chrome and Kaseki had made.
"How is it Senkū?! Isn't my invention amazing?!"
"It's a waterwelll."
The two fell backwards dumbfounded. However, both Y/N and Senkū were impressed. These were the types of people that brought the modern era to reality. He checked the electricity and sighed,
"We need a container to store the electricity!"
Senkū dragged Chrome and Kaseki to work on his sciencey ideas while Y/N headed back to check on the gold wires. She even sat down with the villagers to help. Out of a sudden, an elderly woman asked her,
"May I ask, Goddess Y/N, what's your relationship with Senkū?"
"I-I... Please, as I said before, call me Y/N. Senkū and I... we go back pretty far."
"Oh? A relationship so far back?"
"Ah! Not that type of relationship. I guess you can say we're friends."
"Are you sure you don't hold any feelings for him?"
"I am so sorry if I'm prying too much into your privacy! I-I won't ask!"
The lady fidgeted as everyone stared at her. Y/N brushed it off and quietly whispered,
"I-I do like him... Keep it a secret. Promise?"
The group that heard, eyes sparkling as they nodded. Their hands somehow worked faster after her confession. Her face was flushed, probably due to the chilly weather. Everyone put in their efforts in preparing for winter and Y/N helped in making some wine to store for their future. She even helped with storing food in the modern way of 'canning'. Senkū did not join the labor, stuck in front of the store making hs own things. Snow came falling down and he asked her to join him as he unveiled his masterpiece.
"What's up?"
"I've got something to show you."
The white snow drifted down as the cold air blew the winter dance. The next moment, she was standing under a huge tree illuminated by lights.
"Yeah, Merry Christmas, Y/N."
Her head laid onto his stiff shoulders, softly smiling at Christmas memories when she was young. Her warm lips tickled his cheeks that immediately flared from the soft contact.
"A-Ah... I apologise. I was overwhelmed with happiness that I automatically gave you a k-kiss..."
"I guess that's your Christmas present, right?"
"Hehe, if you want to see it that way."
He smiled, cupping her cheeks with his cold hand. Y/N's eyes widened with the sudden mood change and she noticed a blush on his face.
"I-I like you, Y/N..."
Time froze just like how the water froze to ice. Her cheeks grew warm and lips moved apart.
"I-I like you too... I didn't e-expect you to be the type who would l-like girls..."
"What? You thought I was gay?"
"No! I meant that I thought you were asexual or something."
"Pff! Kukuku~ You are 10 billion percent wrong!"
He just smiled at her and their lips touched. Kohaku was fangirling behind the tree, seeing the love of the two blossom under the winter sky. Their foreheads touched, feeling the warmth of love Christmas brought them.
"I guess, we're no longer normal friends, right?"
"Kukuku~ Do I need to make it obvious?"
"Hmph! I'll make it obvious! Y-You're my boyfriend, I'm your girlfriend. Deal?"
"A billion percent deal. Kukuku~"
Their warm lips touched again, melting in the warm embrace. However their private time was interrupted by Chrome's sudden inspiration which made them push against each other in embarassment. The mood made the act weirdly, not knowing why they acted that way. But, the good thing out of Christmas was that they had finally confessed their love to each other after thousands of years. Unlike modern people, Chrome was intrigued by the light.
"I've just had the most awesome idea! We can go mining, can't we?! We can go even deeper than we've ever been able to go into those caves!"

[A Scientist's Weakspot] Ishigami Senkū x Reader
FanfictionY/N was an overly enthusiastic girl, being the student council president in school. It was usual to see her running around helping people, even those who did not need an ounce of her help. Many idolized her as she seemed so perfect but only Senkū fo...