Chapter 19: Don't underestimate a woman's defence

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A loud explosion was heard from the direction of the cave.


"No. It can't be. This feels like..."

"At the cave... of miracles!"

Senkū rushed towards Tsukasa, things finally clicking in his head.


Out of a sudden, Hyoga swung his spear towards Mirai, which Tsukasa instinctively went to protect.

"Whether I came at him from the shadows, or attacked him in his sleep, taking out the 'strongest primate high-schooler' Shishio Tsukasa... was an impossible feat. The one who has waited long... is me. I've waited forever for this one moment-"

The older brother stood in front of his sister, arms wide out as the spear was through his chest. The impact sent Tsukasa down the cliff, which Senkū hurriedly ran to grab onto his hand. Senkū slipped and Y/N went to grab his foot with both hands.


Hyoga whacked her back, causing all three of them to fall into the waters.





It was too late. The three of them were swept away by the currents. Y/N and Senkū dragged Tsukasa up a sore, looking at the wound that continued to seep blood out. Y/N's eyes reddened, shaking the taller male.


A familiar voice resonated behind them,

"I pierced Tsukasa's chest. It's a fatal wound. Even if you try to save him, it's useless. I checked beforehand to make sure that the currents would carry us to this place."

Senkū's hair that was flat from the water, dripped silently as he was on his knees in front of Hyoga.

"Yeah, I guessed as much. Hyoga, you're not the type of guy who would take a chance by jumping into a river to come after us."

"Correct. In other words, once I dealt with the obstacle that Tsukasa posed, I wanted to speak with you, Senkū."

"Kukuku... What are we in Middle school? You confessing to me behind the school building or something? Unfortunately for you, I'm a married man... Or maybe a divorcee? I haven't got a micron's worth of conversation I want to have with you."

If this wasn't such a suspenseful situation, Y/N would have already questioned him.

"The only question that remains is... If you will do so willingly, or by torture. Tsukasa and I were in agreement. We possessed the same foundational belief! That being... The phenomenon of petrification that rained down upon this earth many thousands of years ago... was a trial of humanity... what one might call a 'purge'."

"Ohhh! That ten billion percent unexciting story again, huh? You ought to remember that, in a scientific world, your selfish little theory with no basis whatsoever is nothing more than a joke."

Tsukasa clenched his wound while Y/N held onto his body that was slowly turning cold. 

"Let's put an end to the lip service, shall we, Senkū? I know that you of all people ought to understand this. What the noble Tsukasa aimed for was 'A Shangri-la where people do not take from one another'. But I don't have the slightest interest in that. Because if we allow the brainless, incompetent masses to remain, the process of sustaining them leads inevitably to them taking from us. In other words, what we need is a trial. In this world, only those who excel should be allowed to live!!"

"...yeah... that truly is rational. It's rational, but... not at all thrilling. If we can't support all seven billion people, then we'll just have to find a way to do so... with those seven billion people! That's the way of science!"

"Indeed, Senkū, your scientific power is magnificent. I know that you can even make nitric acid, given enough time. To rule this world, let us put humanity to the test. Your reply shall be 'yes'. Until you say that, I'll take your fingers, one by one. And after that, your legs. I said this at the start, didn't I? You do not have a choice."

Hyoga took small steps towards him with the spear in his hand ready to strike. Y/N reached into Senkū's bag, throwing some rocks at him which Hyoga could easily deflect.


"A feisty woman is an annoying woman. Learn your place as a woman."


Ohh... Y/N's getting ready for her blast.

Senkū smirked, knowing what she had just thrown, following her in throwing the stones. Out of a sudden, birds broke through the stone capsule crowding around Hyoga and attacking him. Y/N had sprinkled nitric acid on the stones which was actually petrified birds. From behind, without them knowing, Tsukasa stood up and punched Hyoga in the gut.

"Once... In the pursuit of my ideals, I broke a promise to you, Senkū. And... And yet, you kept your promise to me. Now, it's my turn. The promise for a ceasefire... This time, for sure!! Nothing dangerous will ever bother you again. Because from now on, I will be the one fighting!"

Tsukasa and Senkū fist-bumped, making Hyoga chuckled at the 'stupidity'. He launched towards them with the spear but Tsukasa reflected the attack by punching the spear in a different direction. Senkū ran with Y/N, catching the attention of Hyoga. She shouted,

"Eleven o'clock!"

Tsukasa jumped, punching him that made him skid easily five meters away, but it did no damage. Senkū's face paled,

"What are you, a monster?"

Hyoga's attacks did not stop, Senkū and Y/N were lucky to escape with a few scratches here and there while Tsukasa only had his stab wound that he was clutching on.


Senkū pushed her, the spear stabbing him and making him fly and stumble on the floor. Tsukasa was enraged, a string of ferocious attack collided with Hyoga's gut and spear. Because of his wound, he was drastically weakened and Hyoga had him on the floor next to a motionless Senkū. The sharp end of the spear slowly pushed into Tsukasa's neck, drawing blood. Y/N launched at Hyoga, merely pushing him 30 cm away from Tsukasa.

"Ah yes, I do remember your skills back then... When you held a sword."

She kept her right hand behind her, the time she distracted him, Tsukasa came out to take his attention away. This time, she stuck out her pinky, attaching it to Hyoga's skin. 


A wave of electricity, equivalent to 100,000 volts, was sent through Hyoga's body. Hyoga struggled, twitching under the high shock. Senkū and Tsukasa were shocked, but not by electricity.

"D-Damn you! Science!"

Hyoga collapsed on the floor, completely electrified as Senkū and Tsukasa laid on the ground exhausted and injured.

"Kukuku... I'm impressed, Y/N."

"Better be. I made this because... Who knows when Tsukasa will 'attack' me?"


Tsukasa gently smiled at her,

"Don't forgive me. Let me live in regret for what I have done to you."

"I'm not planning to forgive you, so you'd better take good care of your sister and listen to Senkū."

"Senkū... I'm jealous of you."

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