Chapter 18: Rocketships, a symbol of the science kingdom?

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While Y/N bickered around with Tsukasa over his little banana, which in fact made him very embarrassed about how she degraded his jewel. The battle team was holding off fairly well since there wasn't any physical combat. Just verbal. Hyoga sat on the tree, interested at the girl that kept blasting verbal assaults to the now flustered Tsukasa. Y/N glanced at the science team, continuing her comebacks.

H-How long more can I provoke Tsukasa and distract him?!

"If you're so caught up with the kingdom of science, Senkū's rocket ship isn't worth it."


"Senkū's won't even launch."

"His rocketship is harder than your flimsy one that can flop just from a light blow."

"Excuse me? Mine has-"

"Your's have a problem with erecting, yeah, we ALL get it Tsukasa."

Kohaku wanted to laugh, understanding what a 'rocketship' is from looking at the Ishigami flag and shields that had a drawing.

"Women want a taste of mine, Y/N. You're missing out big time."

"'Small time, you mean. Are you even sure women are the one who wants a taste of you? I doubt even men don't want to, with that stinky banana."

His hands flew down to where his groin was, everyone staring. As he was dying from embarrassment and sexual harassment from the woman he nearly raped. In the cave, Senkū was blushing really bad while Gen teased him.

"We can conclude that Y/N likes Senkū's rocketship~"

"S-Shut up."

Before Tsukasa could command an attack, due to Y/N, a paper plane flew in the air, catching everyone's attention. Ginro shouted teasingly,

"It's Senkū's rocketship!"

Senkū, Gen, and Chrome kept throwing the paper planes that exploded whenever it collided with something.

"Kuku... We barely made it. This is all thanks to-"



Ukyo got up, his left eye slightly bruised as he lifts his bow.

"Ahahah. Well, we've also got something a little more accurate than paper airplanes... See these dynamite arrows?"

Gen clapped as if he was watching the end of a magnificent play. Tsukasa's army could not do anything against dynamites, signaling that the war was over with the science kingdom's victory. Tsukasa made his way down towards Senkū.

"Whether one faces it head-on or knocks it away, it's impossible to avoid the blast radius. Yes... It's certainly inescapable. However, everyone would surely be caught in the blast, and there would be huge casualties. Senkū, you wouldn't throw away human lives, nor would you sacrifice yourself."

"My, my. Looks like neither of us can make a move~ Rather than a conclusion, this is a stalemate."

"And you deliberately crafted this situation. Which means that your goal..."

"That's right. Let's make a deal, Tsukasa. Back in the modern world... you kept throwing yourself into sparring matches, making TV appearances to make loads of money. That huge amount of money... What was it for? WHO was it for? She's alive, isn't she? Your... little sister."

Tsukasa was lost for words.

"We may be able to cure her with the power of peripheral restoration that occurs at the time that she is revived from petrification!"

"... And your conditions are?"

"The card that I'm giving you is... A chance for you to revive your sister... In exchange, the cards that I want is a ceasefire and a good beating from Y/N."

Y/N's eyes widened,


"And what would be my basis for believing that story of yours?"

"All you have... is my word. Science doesn't lie. Is that not enough?"

"...No. It's enough. That's enough."

Gen located where the hospital was back in the modern-day, blowing up the grounds and digging everywhere to find Tsukasa's sister. Y/N went next to Senkū,

"What was this 'good beating from Y/N' thing?"

"Oh... I couldn't think of anything else. Of course, I wanted to beat him up and make him pay but there weren't any other options. What he has done has been done. Science can't reverse time but maybe this beating can relieve your anger slightly. I'm not asking you to forgive him because I will never."

"I-I see... What he did... has traumatized me but I think I want to move on. That beating, I'll take it. I want to destroy his rocketship."

Senkū's face paled from thinking of the pain.

"G-Go ahead..."

Tsukasa was with the team, digging and bidding. He brought her petrified form, placing her gently on the floor. Yuzuhira took the depetrifying solution, pouring it on the girl. Crack after crack, the stone pieces fell apart. Tsukasa's body trembled violently for the first time.

"Where... am... I...?"


"Bro-there? ...ehehe... Hey~ you got older, huh? But even then, I knew it was you in a second. How many years... was I asleep?"

Tsukasa hugged his little sister tightly.

"Six... no. Thousand and thousands of years, Mirai..."

Chrome's started sweating as he checked the box of dynamites.

"Senkū. The number of sticks of dynamite we have left... doesn't add up."

Ukyo played with his hat,

"If someone took them, I should have heard them... If it's someone who could slip by me undetected... As far as I know..."

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