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"My lady Pallu," Yunin bowed. "Pleasure to see you again."

Sardena scowled at Pallu's side.

"Indeed," young Pallu replied and for once remembered to curtsy instead of bowing. 'Bowing was fine in men's clothes but not in women's,' her mother used to tell Pallu before she died.

"You are looking quite lovely in blue, if I'm not too bold. Quite a change from what I last saw you in and suits you better I think."

Pallu smiled. "I only look better in this because this is what you think I should be wearing." Sardena chuckled. "That and your mother's excellence as a dressmaker. She could make a barrel look presentable."

Yunin did not back away from the slight insult, instead he smiled. "I'm sure she could. But she only enhances your delicate features and that color brings your beautiful green eyes out as they should be."

Pallu tilted her head and linked arms with Sardena as Pallu had seen other young women do in various towns she had visited. The two girls began to walk towards the dancing and music.

"Do my eyes deceive me or are you unarmed, my lady?"

"Oh bug off, Yunin. Leave her alone. You are awful at flirting. Try it on the other girls."

"What other girls?" He feigned physical pain at his sister's verbal jabs.

"Even without weapons made of steel, I am never unharmed."

"Besides your good looks, what are you armed with?"

Pallu laughed at him from the bottom of her stomach and made those green eyes, he pretended to so admire, sparkle in the firelight. "Wouldn't you like to know. I think someone wants your time, Yunin." She reached out with her mind and tapped his shoulder. Yunin turned to find the person wanting his attention. Without hesitation, she pulled Sardena into the dancers before her friend's brother could see them.

"I can't believe he fell for that."

"I guess I was rather convincing." Pallu laughed and began to dance along with Sardena and the other young men and women.

Sardena's eyes narrowed slightly but they soon lightened and became smiles. "How is your headache?"

"Surprisingly better. Much better. They usually last for days."

"How awful." Sardena smiled shyly as a young man bowed before her with hand extended for the young woman's acceptance. Her shoulders shrugged, and the pair sped off in a series of twirls and circles.

Pallu continued to dance through the night, never tiring. Sardena was still with her young man and realized after their third dance he must be her man. Several young men of Selaras danced with Pallu though she was careful that she did not dance with anyone more than once. She did not want anyone thinking she was available. Yunin came to her just before she was about to quit the dance.

"Surely you aren't leaving without dancing with me. You somehow tricked me and escaped before but not this time." Without so much as a "Would you like to dance" he pulled her into his arms and whisked her about the bonfire.

Yunin was a fine dancer, not like the clumsy warriors she danced with on her voyages. Everything about him was fine from his clothes to his face to his strong arms and shoulders. As she caught glimpses of the faces of the girls of Selaras, she realized they all vied for this man's attentions.

"Do you always make a habit of not asking girls to dance?"

"No. Only when I think they'll say no."

"I gather none of the girls here would deny you."

His smirk was such as to melt hard stone.

Pallu smiled warmly at him. "'Tis a pity I'm immune."

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