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Pallu stood before her father's bed. "I can't believe you brought them here, Pallu. It isn't safe, and you know that."

"I'm sorry, Papa, but he tried to save my life, and they would not have been able to reach Tegra's shop on their own. I couldn't let them chance the roads alone especially after the king's death."

Nimshi sighed heavily. "I'm sorry you had so much trouble. I should have tried to come myself."

"I was fine. He was a novice. I still can't believe he killed himself."

"That bothers me as well. I've not heard of such dedication."

"How are you, Papa? Are you really alright, or are you putting on a brave face?"

"I have no brave faces, love."

"Is her majesty well? I mean, considering the king's death."

"She's a strong woman, love. But they loved each other more than words. I don't know that she will ever really recover."

Pallu sat at her father's side, gently touching the bandaged left arm. "Tell me what happened."

"Not now, love. You just got in. Did you enjoy the Festival, no matter how short it was?"

"Fine. But I want to hear the whole story. Understood?"

"Aye," he grumbled. "You're as stubborn as your mother. Now answer my question."

"It was very fine. I danced the whole night."

"And your dress? Did you get a dress?"


"Well, put it on. I want to see it."


"Hurry. Put it on. I want to see what it looks like on you."

Reluctantly she left his side and donned the dress, pausing by Sardena's and Yunin's rooms on the way back to her father's room to make sure the siblings were still soundly asleep. The moment she stood before her father, his eyes brightened.

"Ah, child, you look beautiful. None of those boys tried anything with you, did they?"

"No, Papa. We just danced and only once with those who asked."

"Good girl. What of shoes?"

"They wear none."

"Oh yes, I remember that now." Nimshi tilted her head up with his good hand. "What's wrong, love? You have been acting strange."

"I've been keeping something from you, Papa. I didn't think it was very important, but it seems it is quite remarkable."

"What is it?"

"Well, for several years now I've been experiencing strange...things."

"I thought we talked about..."

"No, it's not coming of age, Papa." Her mind raced with ways to explain Rumah to him and her eyes brightened when she decided. "When I was on my way to Selaras, I felt like I was shot with an arrow or stabbed with a dagger in my hip. But there was nothing there. Every so often, I would start feeling strange emotions like if I was angry I would be extremely happy and the happiness would vanish and I would be left with the anger. Does that make sense?"

"No. But go ahead."

"Well, I've been having these weird feelings for several years. I'd feel sick all the sudden and then not the next second or other things like that. But what I realized was that these feelings or sensations were always heightened senses of emotions whether physical or emotional. The day I arrived in Selaras I was trying to hold the flames and it started again. One of the candles started moving without my wanting it to. I know you think it's crazy but let me finish. So it moved like someone poked it. I got frustrated and held it stiff. Next thing you know I hear someone in my head ask, 'Who ya be?'"

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