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Pallu knelt before Ner. No longer did she wear a dress as a lady should. She wore the garb of a soldier. Most soldiers kept their hair tied back or cropped short. She did neither. Her hair was unbound, falling just past her shoulders. Ner's slender fingers lifted Pallu's chin so that she could see the young woman's eyes. There was pain evident in her eyes but not to the caliber Ner had expected. Honestly, she feared Yunin's death would undo the young woman. The queen did not believe Rumah's declaration that Pallu was handling Yunin's death very well and was coming back to Aysre to see her betrothed's family.

"How do you fare, Master Pallu?"

Pallu's eyes held no lies when she said, "I'm well, my Lady."

"Broken hearted?"




"Do you hide it from me, Pallu? I see no such emotions in you."

"I am sad and broken hearted, my Lady. But I have realized that I will see him again. Death is simply another journey that none alive can understand."

Ner's hand trembled as she remembered the lose of her Melchiah. "You are sure you are well? I feared the news would break you."

Pallu smiled at Ner's concern, more than touched by her words. "I did not know if I could breathe again when I heard. I wanted to throw myself into battle. I did. But no matter what I do I can't bring him back. He would not want me to give up. And I won't."

Ner embraced the young woman. "I was so worried."

As Pallu embraced Ner she felt something strange. She pulled away from the queen gently and looked down. Her eyes widened. "My Lady...you're..."

Ner's hand came to rest on her stomach. "Yes."

"But how...well, I mean. I know how...It's not my place. Forgive me." Pallu did not know if she should leave or stay.

Ner smiled as she put a hand on Pallu's arm. "It is your place."

When Pallu looked at that hand she saw a ring. "I don't understand."

Ner guided Pallu to sit beside her on a chair. "I am going to tell you something that...well...you may not like. I'm married to your father."


Recet and Draus sat in the drawing room of Pallu's home in Aysre. Neither knew if they should stay or leave. Evidently the queen was in chambers with Pallu, though no one had told them as much. It was Pallu's manner that spoke of the importance of her guest. Draus tilted his head to a servant who brought a tray of food. After several silent minutes a woman who was Pallu's likeness in nearly every way except the color of her hair which was blonde. Her blue eyes widened in recognition.

"Recet! Draus!" She glided to the brothers with the grace of a dancer and the silence of a thief. The woman kissed them on the cheek. "I didn't except ta see ya fer days. Or at all fer that matter. I was just thinkin' Pallu was comin' on 'er own wit' the Mind Trickers."

Draus chuckled and said, "Good to see you again after so many years, Rumah. She insisted on our coming. Said you would want to see us."

"Indeed I did." Her eyes flitted to Recet who had not spoken a word.

Draus looked to his brother to find him verily gawking at the poor girl. All that was needed to complete the picture of Recet was a wide open mouth. Draus gave Recet a nudge with his elbow and hissed, Remember your manners, man.

Recet took Rumah's hand and kissed it. "You've grown," was all he could manage.

She simpered with the delicacy of a lady. "Aye. So've ya, Recet." Her eyes drifted to her hand which he still held. "I don't suppose I'm needin' me hand ta walk."

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