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Ner sat across from Pallu and Nimshi as they sipped their morning tea. "I hear our dear doctor has taken hold of Rumah."

Nimshi chuckled and tilted his head. "You are correct, my Lady. Seems her knowledge on poisons has sparked his interest."

"Let us hope their conversations are wonderfully uneventful."

"Yes, at times Rumah may appear rather quiet, but she is not in the least afraid to speak her mind," Pallu said.

"That is an excellent attribute. Too few currently have such courage." Ner set her tea down and smiled in a way that reminded Pallu the woman across from her was just that, a woman. "I must admit that I have been known to be like that amongst my intimate companions. Melchiah said that was one of my most appealing traits. Though of course, now I am not so able to truly speak what comes to my mind. The entire court would truly despise me. Anyhow, tell me more about your friend."

Pallu swallowed her tea and considered her question. "Honestly your Majesty, there is little to tell of her. She is very secretive even with me concerning much of her life. Of her character, she is of the highest caliber. Honest, caring, giving. All the attributes one wishes to have in a friend. She has a wonderful sense of humor."

The queen smiled and then she stared into the air, her eyes full of memory. Her mind found what appeared an unpleasant memory causing her to frown slightly. "Tell me of her husband. She mentioned last night that she lost him though he lives?"

Nimshi shifted in his seat, a heavy frown on his face.

"She left him, my Lady. He was not...faithful."

Ner's back went ridged. "How unfortunate! No wonder she was in such bad spirits last night."

Pallu nodded and remained silent.

"I am sure she will return to her family now."

"She has no family, Majesty," replied Nimshi. "She is an orphan."

"She will stay with us, my Lady," assured Pallu. "She and I are as close as sisters, and my father has thought of her as his own since the day he met her."

The queen seemed a great deal relieved by the information and said so. "The poor dear and so young. She was in love with him, no?"

Pallu nodded, and her eyes went to her feet. The young woman's eyes went wide and her back straight. "She's coming."

Ner's delicate eyebrows met as she was about to speak, but a maid entered. "Lady Rumah, milady."

"Show her in," she told the woman and then to Pallu whispered, "How did you know that?"

"Lucky guess."

Ner cast an unbelieving look, but it vanished as she greeted Rumah. "Good Morning, my dear. I trust you slept well."

"G'mornin', me Lady. I did. The best sleep I've 'ad since I could remember." Rumah remembered to bow before Pallu sent her a mental prompt. She could feel her friend smile in her mind.

"I trust our dear doctor did not overtax you." Ner lead Rumah to the empty chair beside Pallu. "He is such an inquisitive man."

"Well, 'e was quite the gentleman, me Lady. He told me I've a gift fur the medicines. I've ne'er 'eard such talk 'bout me." Rumah blushed despite herself.

Ner's eyebrows rose. "Now that should be counted a very high compliment, Rumah, as he rarely gives praise unless the person is quite exceptional."

Again the young woman blushed a wonderful shade of rose and tilted her head.

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