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Pallu glided down the stairs next to Rumah. Both girls were resplendent in their gowns. Pallu's was of a simple, classic cut in deep blue while Rumah wore a strapless gown very much favored among the young noblewomen, and her fabric was a few shades bluer than purple with a floral imprint in the fabric. Both young women had their arms hooked together.

The nobles appeared gasped at the sisters, especially the men. Pallu's eyes sought familiar faces in the unfamiliar crowd. She found Nimshi next to Vinit and the queen. Ner's eyes lit at the sight of the young women. Her smile was genuine as they curtsied before her.

"May your Majesty reign long and well," Pallu intoned.

"May justice, mercy, and wisdom fill yer e'ery deed," followed Rumah in her thick Roso accent.

The queen's eyes sparkled brilliant blue as she took them each by the hand to allow them to rise. "Rise, your Graces. You honor me greatly." She tilted her head to them, and the room, in turn, bowed to them. "I present Duchess Pallu and Duchess Rumah, Ladies of the Court."

Glasses raised in salute. "Well come," intoned the assembly.

Nimshi kissed both girls' cheeks and whispered, "Go get 'em, girls."

Pallu and Rumah exchanged glances before taking opposite directions into the crowd. The sisters had rehearsed what they would do a thousand times before the ball. The moment they were away from the other young men indecorously swarmed them asking for a dance.

"Me word, laddies. I'm fur thinkin' ya've not seen a woman afore," came Rumah's heartfelt reply to their pleas.

Pallu smiled to the questions and accepted the dance of the first man to ask her. Both girls made certain to dance with just as many rich noblemen as poor. They did not want to appear too upwardly mobile. They also spent as much time socializing as dancing. If not more. They knew they had a fine line to walk, and they walked it.

"Who thought of having games for the men?" whispered a male voice.

"It's simply unheard of," puffed a female voice that belonged to an older women behind Pallu.

"I thought of the games," the Duchess said as she turned.

"What could possess you to do so?" the noblewoman asked as if it were a personal affront.

"I knew that the married men would want something to do while their wives socialized." She looked to the man who had posed the question. "Are you enjoying yourself, my Lord?"

"More so than at any other party. Splendid idea, your Grace."

The noblewoman harrumphed.

"Do you not have a companion to play against, my Lord?"

"Yes, he went to get refreshments." At that moment, a young man dressed in the garb of a sword master strolled to the pair. "Ah, here he is."

Pallu moved to the table with a smirk and looked at the board. "Be ware of the sword master, my Lord. He is cunning."

"What little cunning I have, milady, I learned from you," replied Yunin as he sat.

The man seemed to be ignoring the two young people. His eyes were on the board. Pallu put a gentle hand on the nobleman's shoulder. "He will have you in two moves if you do not counter."

"Aye, but how?"

Pallu, help me.

The young woman was so startled she nearly jumped out of her skin. Yunin looked at her askance. Are you alright?

Rumah's laughter filled her mind. They're talkin' 'bout war o'er 'ere.

Pallu sighed her relief and gave Yunin a look that said all was well. "You must eliminate his spies, my Lord."

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