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"Or she can stay wit' me while yer gone."

Pallu turned to find Rumah standing between Recet and Draus.

"Ifin' it's alright wit' ya an' yer uncle." Rumah knelt before Mic. "I know I'm not Pallu but at least ya wouldn't have ta go far ta talk wit' her an' she can come straight ta our place when she's able ta come home. Plus, I'd have someone ta keep me company."

Mic's eyes went wide but confusion took over when she realized what Rumah had said. Pallu put up a hand. "We'll tell you but not here."

Accepting the truce she looked to her cousins. "I can't go back."

Draus smiled softly. "There's no need to. I'm sure Father would consent."

Pallu cupped the girl's face in her hands. "You'd have to do studies. Help Rumah with her own. Keep her in line while I'm gone."

"Now, I'm not that wild, Miss Go-All-Over-the-Earth."

Mic threw her arms around Pallu's neck, nearly barreling the duchess over. "I'll be so smart. Ya'll see, Pallu. I'll make ya so proud."

Pallu's hand rest on Mic's brown hair. "You already have, sweetie."

"Pallu, why're ya cryin'?" Her tiny hands wiped away the young woman's tears, truly dismayed by Pallu's action.

"'Cause I'm happy," Pallu chuckled.

Mic sucked in her breath when Pallu felt someone tap her shoulder. It was a boy barely past his first decade. He handed Pallu a note and left with the speed of a fleeing deer. Pallu's mind reached out with surprising speed a halted the boy so forcibly that he nearly fell to his back. As she dragged the boy to her she read the note, eyes narrowing with each word until they became slits which came to rest on him.

"Who sent this?" she demanded in a firm voice. "I'll not hurt you, child. Stop trying to run."

He looked behind Pallu to a figure cloaked in shadow. Pallu followed his line of vision as did the other four. Her instinct was to fight the person, who by stature appeared male. After a quick mental command for Rumah to care for Mic she ran after the cloaked man, but the person moved steadily away and then vanished in the shadows. Her eyebrows creased as she considered who the mystery person could have been. He had to know of her abilities as he kept out of her mind's range. Only mages knew of a telekinetic's range.

What was that 'bout?

She passed her sister the note. The twins and Rumah gathered around to read. "'You never gave me that dance.'" Draus's eyebrows rose. "Who were you supposed to dance with?"

"I don't know," she said more to herself than anyone else. But I don't like it, she added to herself. Pallu's hand moved to Mic's shoulder as the girl claimed her place at Pallu's side. "Come on, little one."

As Pallu and Mic began to move away Pallu's eyes met her sister's. She didn't need mind speech to know Rumah was considering the vanished stranger.

What are you thinkin' about, Ru?

The sister shook her head. "Nothing."

Pallu knew better but said nothing more on the matter.


Rumah rushed into Pallu's room, eyes bright in a mischievous light that was only held by the blonde haired young woman. Pallu often wondered how much she enjoyed the danger of thieving. "Where ya goin'?"

"Few days south to Notla."

"I've somethin' ta show ya." Rumah verily pushed her sister to sit on the bed. "Can't wait."

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