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Sardena sat across from Pallu, sewing beads onto a noblewoman's gown. Ever since the twin's ball, the courtiers had had their gowns made by Sardena and her mother. Their workload was so great that seamstresses where hired to help, and the shop moved from Selaras to Aysre, consequently, so did the family. No longer would they be farmers.

Another product of the family's move was Pallu's tutoring Sardena in telekinesis. Her friend was an avid learner; so much so, Pallu had to witness several of Sardena's mind cramping headaches. Still, her aptitude was well noted by the masters.

Beads hung in the air about the woman. She plucked one from the air and threaded it before going back to work, another ascending slowly into the vacant space. Pallu smirked as she flipped a page of her book.

"I haven't heard from him. He should be back any day now."


Sardena smirked. "The reason you are here."

"I told you I came to visit you. I wanted to see how you have come along."

"Oh, Sar, do stop showing off. It's not becoming," teased a new voice.

Her face cracked into a smile, and the floating beads dropped as she stood. "Yunin! You're back."

"Sardena, what did I say about distractions?" Above Pallu's palm floated the breads.

The young woman flushed and then looked to her now captivated brother. He bowed. "Your Grace."

"Master Yunin." She tilted her head. Pallu fought to keep her face from splitting into a silly grin.

"I am so glad your home, Yunin. She's been waiting all day."

"I have not!" she retorted.

"Please won't you take her for a walk? She'd love that. I must finish the bead work."

Yunin's smile filled his face. "I would be honored."

"Fine. I can see when I'm unwanted." The beads flew to and rested on the gown.

"Don't pretend hurt, Pal." She sat down and resumed her work, neatly ignoring them.

"My lady." He extended his hand to the door.

She walked out the door and down onto the street in silence.

"So you've been waiting for me."

Pallu pulled up her hood to shield herself from the sun. It promptly fell back as if someone pulled it, but no one was near.

"No hiding from me, my Lady," Yunin teased as he tapped his head. "You're not the only one with tricks."

"I'm not hiding from anyone." Pallu smirked as they moved to Dortar Gardens. "Are you and Master Vinit on better terms now?"

Yunin looked about at the garden entrance and the people moving about it. "Aye. He seems to be better now that he has seen her home and what not. Although I'd be surprised if he announces his return to anyone for a few days."

"He'll surprise you my master will. Tough as mountains he is."

Yunin smiled softly at a memory and then appeared frowning. Taking in the area, he put a gentle hand on the small of Pallu's back to lead her to a secluded part of the garden. Once there, he searched the air as if trying to find the words for what he wanted to say. Finally his eyes settled on her. "I don't want you to go."

"Go where?"

"I know what they have planned for you. Vinit let it slip. He's worried, and he does not seem the type to worry."

Her lips went dangerously thin. "I can take care of myself."

"I know," he said almost in a whine. "But if something happened to you I'd...I don't know what I would do, Pallu." He looked away this time. "Let me come with you. You could talk to the queen. She'd listen..."

"And risk your being hurt? I think not."

His eyes met hers. "Pallu, I have a bad feeling about this. My feelings haven't failed me yet..."

She smiled as she touched his arm. "I'll be fine," she whispered.

His arms wrapped around her in a surprising embrace. "I can't lose you, Pallu," he said into her hair which he noticed she had worn unbound for him.

"You won't. I promise I'll be careful."

"You wore your hair down."

She smiled at his nuzzling her neck. "You said you liked it that way."

His shining eyes met hers. With gentle fingers, he caressed her face. Yunin's lips brushed against hers, and then he pressed a tender kiss to her lips. Pallu's heart raced, and her skin tingled pleasantly. Even though this was not their first, she still felt as if she would melt each time he kissed her.

Lu, where ya at? Queen's wantin' a word wit' ya afore ya're ta leave tanight.

I'll be there. Pallu sighed as she pulled reluctantly away from Yunin.


"Aye. Says I'm to meet with the queen."

Yunin growled his disapproval and kissed Pallu once more so passionately Pallu could barely stand. He seemed as weak as she did as he took her hand. "No risks, right?"

Her arms slipped around his torso, a mischievous smile flitted across her face that she knew he both loved and hated. Predictably he rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"You are Pallu the Dangerous that I am talking to."

"I thought I was Pallu the Irresistible."

"Hmm." He kissed her neck. "You are that."

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