Hide And Seek II

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Jong kook's pov

*riiinngg* *riiiinngg*

Hmmm? Yeoboseyo?


Oh Gary shii

Hyung why do you have it all?~

What do you mean? Are you drunk?

I know hyung, I know she likes you, I feel it~~

What do you mean Gary yah?

Ji hyo~~

Gary, Eoddiseo?

I don't need you here!

Gary yah.... Its not true

Yes it's true hyung! You have a successful solo comeback! You're popular! You're strong! Many woman see you as their ideal type....... Ji hyo....... Ji hyo likes you! You have it all!

Gary shii you're just drunk

Ani hyung! The way you look at each other, the way she reacts when eun hye is mentioned, that time when you and ji hyo came back late after you answer a phone and she went to the bathroom.. I know it all hyung


Hyung! I am her boyfriend! I am the one who pursued her more! Im suppose to be the person she likes!

Gary shii, do you think ji hyo agrees to be your boyfriend if she doesn't like you? She likes you!

Because I told her to date me for 10 months! If it's not going to work I'll leave her be!

Wait, what?!?!

You mean... Ji hyo agreed to be your boyfriend not because she had feelings for you?!

Ne hyung! She always see me as a brother... I tried to be more sweet to her but.....

Gary yah... You'll work out

No hyung, we won't! Unless you get out of the way... We could have a chance.

What do you mean?

Stay away from her hyung...

Gary yah..

I'm her boyfriend, if I say stay away from my girlfriend,stay away!

Arasseo Gary yah.. Ill respect your relationship. I'll do my best to stay away from her.

He hung up.

I called ji hyo and she immediately answered.

Ji hyo yah

Ohh? You're not calling me Seong Im now?

Gary's drunk pick him up


I don't know, just pick him up.

Do you know where?

You're his girlfriend, you suppose to know it.

Right.... I'm calling him

Alright then bye

Wait opp--

I ended the call.

I think what Gary said is right..

Me being close to someones girlfriend is strange and wrong.


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