Jong kook's Pov
Months passed....
Running man is saved.
Tomorrow is ji hyo and I's anniversary
"What am I going to give her?" I murmured.
Hmmm shoes? Bracelet?
*riiiinnngg* *riiinnnnggg*
Ne? Yobboseyo?
naya dol-a wass-eo
*it's me, I'm back*Eun hye?
Ne~~ im at your home, with your mother.
What the heck are you doing there?
I miss eommonie...
She's not your "eomma" now eun hye.
She will be...
What the hell are you talking about!?
I'm surprised you can actually shout at me... You changed..
I moved on eun hye yah..
Is it because of her?
What do you mean? I'm coming home!
Youll know..
The call ended...
When did she come back? I thought she went to States?!
Starting the engine I texted ji hyo that I can't pick her up.
I Park outside our house and enter it
"Adueell! Eun hye is here! I was so glad to see her" my mom said
"What did I tell you about accepting strangers?" I replied
"Yah! Eun hye is not a stranger! She's your ex!" mom retorted back.
"Where is she?" I asked
"In your room" she replied.
I stormed on my room and saw her lying in my bed.
"What are you actually doing here?" I asked her
She stood up and look at me.
"Don't you miss me?" she asks
"It's not like that eun hye yah.. Well I'm glad you came back to Korea.." I replied
"then let's eat dinner tonight.. Let's have a date!" she exclaimed.
"I can't eun hye.. I... I have a girlfriend... And we're just friends" I replied
"So you really ended up together? How funny!" she replied.
"Eun hye yah... I respect you because you are a girl and you're my friend. But I'll appreciate it if we talk outside my house and don't involve my personal life in this" I explained.
She went near me and I backed away
She went pass me and went outside.
*riiinngg* *riinnngg*
Ne~ jagi?
Jagi! I just read your text.. Why can't you pick me up? Is there something wrong?
ANI... Everything's alright.
Are you sure?
Yes... I just got some things to fix..

If we only had a chance
FanficTwo people who are inlove meets a fate where they had no choice but to separate. If only, if only he could turn back time, if only she is braver, if only they were given a chance they could have been happier. But their fate is not easy. Can they sur...