Pomegranate Pride

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We dissected magazines at school today which was a lotta fun, so I decided to try and make a pride flag in my Sketchbook. But there wasn't much bright pink.
So I found a page of pomegranates.
Henceforth the title.
I'm strange.

 I'm strange

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Bi Bi Bi

Love is love.

Ell says Queers are valid. My handwriting sucks.

I just hope that none of my teachers saw me, cause unlike Ali, I is not confident. She was making an Enby flag, and our nosy teacher leant over and asked what it was. Ali said a flag. Miss Nosy asked if it was made up or a proper country flag. This coming from a geography teacher.

Hon, I doubt it's a country flag if it's white yellow purple and black.

Anyway, Ali said: No, it's not. It's a pride flag. Miss Nosy suddenly stiffened, and began to walk away, but not without saying:

"Isn't that- cute." Before hurrying off looking terrified.

The gays are scary demons from the party in hell and the bad straights (coz there are amazing straights too, don't get me wrong) are terrified of our fab fashion sense and rainbowness. Obviously.

You go Ali. You are a great gay demon.

This chapter is created 97.5% sarcastic and 2.5% serious. Please don't take offense, I'm upset and I need something to cheer me up.

Love you Ghosties.

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