Meeting the squad

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Hi! I am Aria Rose Davis but people usually call me Ari. I lived in Plano TX but moved to L.A to be closer to my Family. I am not gonna lie I am super nervous I am leaving my friends and my normal life, I am probably gonna be put in the spotlight because of my some what famous sister, Jenna Davis. But its not all bad I won't have to see my boyfri-  Ex-Boyfriend, Alex, He cheated on my with my bestfrie-  Ex-Bestfriend Jessica, plus Jenna and I are super close, she is one best friend that will never leave my side.

"Ari?" Suddenly Jenna interrups my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I reply

"The squad and I had a talk, they want to meet you, only if you are up for it of course," She says

"Of course! It would be nice having more friends and getting to know them." I smile

"Great, get ready then we leave in 20," With that I got up showered and changed into a outfit.

"Great, get ready then we leave in 20," With that I got up showered and changed into a outfit

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I grabed my phone

I grabed my phone

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And I waited.

10 mins later

"Ari, lets go!" I hear my sister yell

"Coming," I rush to the door. We go down stairs, pass the lobby and into Jen's car. Traffic was long so I decided to post a picture.



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