1st double date

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July 30 2020

It's three days away from Ayden's birthday, and tomarrow is Hayden's birthday. I am super nervous because I have a whole thing planned  for Ayden and I hope he like it. 

What I am wearing:

 But for right now Emily and I are going to look for a birthday gift for Ayden because I already got Hayden one, We are leaving at 8:30am which gives up two hours for the perfect present

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 But for right now Emily and I are going to look for a birthday gift for Ayden because I already got Hayden one, We are leaving at 8:30am which gives up two hours for the perfect present. Sawyer and Ayden are gonna meet Emily and I at 10:30 by Afters Ice-Cream. 

We go into Louis Vuitton first because the whole squad contributed to buy him a little something...or somethings. Then we enter the Gucci store and walk around until I see something he has been talking about for months. We buy it and I put it in my bag.

So in total at Louis Vuitton we waisted: $1,505.00 between the whole squad
And at Gucci I waisted: $1,900.00 alone.

We begin walking to After Ice-Cream. We wait for a while and the boys arrive, Sawyer hugs Emily and Ayden hugs me. Then Ayden hugs Emi and Sawyer hugs me.

Sa- "Did you get the stuff?"  I nod and gusture towards my bag, he nods. 

Ay- "Let's go get Ice-Cream!" We all go inside and order. While I wait for everyone to order I decided to post a picture.

 While I wait for everyone to order I decided to post a picture

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Lady- "What would you like ma'am?"

Me- "I would like a mint chocolate chip on a cone please," She takes it out and hands it to me. I pay and thank her.

We start walking around, play on the playground and take a couple of pictures. We pass by the Louis Vuitton and all of a sudden Ayden stops me.

Me- "What?"

Ayden- "Just stay there."

He takes out his phone and take a picture. I smile and nod my head, can he get more adorable? Just when I taught he couldn't he gives me a piggy back ride.

1 hour later

We are at Hollywood & Highland mall, we bought make-up, clothes, bathing suits, cover-ups, and accessories. We also went to bath and bodyworks, so of course we bought lotions, perfume, soap, and bath bombs.

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