I'm sorry...

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Hey guy's it's me. no this is not a chapter. I wanted to make this announcement just because its the right thing to do. I know excatly how this story is supposed to end and this has been planned perfectly but I still try to include ya'll in the process because that was why I made it in the first place. I made it for people to read and enjoy my story but due to the drama with Sophie and the squad well, let me explain certain things. I don't think I will finish this story if Sophie ends up coming out of the squad, I have thought about it carefully and... Sophie has been there for Piper when Gavin, Corrine, Sawyer, Connor and Symonne left. She moved in with Piper and her mom and for the past year they have been living like sisters. She has been there when Clementine, Walker, Jenna, Jentzen, and Lev came into the sqaud. She has been there when Sawyer and Indi came back. She has been there when Clem left. She was there when Symonne and Connor came back. She was there when Walker and Indi left and when Emily joined. She has stuck with Piper through thick and thin. And yet Siper is falling apart, and I can pin point the exact point where there was a change, and I don't want to hate but it was from the moment Symonne joined, Lev quarentined with them and Liper became official, siper just.... and I know you guys saw this too, my point is that almost everyone left but Sophie. A friend like that is what you keep,not a teenage boyfriend that probably won't even last (no hate to liper), not friends that left and came back. Like no hate but even Gavin tried to include Sophie in more things, and the piperazzi as much as i want to say it, has become very toxic. If sophie does end up leaving, I leave the fandom with her and alot of people have said that, because you don't lose connection with a person that lives right across the hallway from you for absolutely no reason. So yes, I still love Piper but lose Sophie is just another level of lost in this fandom. If Sophie leaves and you guys want me to continue this story,  I will, but it will be a completely ending and a shorter story. How ever if they manage to work things out, everything will go as planned. No matter what happends I want to say thank you bby's because when I created this story I didn't think it would get so much clout, I mean 3.5k veiws?!?! #1 in piperrockelle?!?! this is crazy! and I love you guys, thanks for all the support, let me know if you want me to continue or not.

These are just the ranks of the story (as of now):

#1 in piperrockelle

#48 in Jenna

#1 in jentzenramirez

#3 in liper

#1 in jennadavis

#2 in levcameron

#4 in jophie

#5 in sophiefergi

#1 in emilydobson

#2 in sawyersharbino

#4 in semily

#143 in lev

#4 in symonneharrison

Thank you... for evrything

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