Night Out

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I get in the shower and 10 mins later I hear the girls enter my room and start looking through my closet, moments later Coco opens the door

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I get in the shower and 10 mins later I hear the girls enter my room and start looking through my closet, moments later Coco opens the door.

Coco-  "Here put this on, Sophie is going to do you hair and Clem is doing your makeup, and I'll go get so snacks, also  4 of us are having a sleep over after you and come back,"

Me- "Okay!" She closed the door, and I finish with my shower. I got out a put on the outfit she gave me.

(Guys little interjection here I just found out that Sophie things that Instagram is broken because she cannot see Piper's nor Claire's Instagram and I feel super bad for her it breaks my heart to see how innocent Sophie is, the stories are taking...

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(Guys little interjection here I just found out that Sophie things that Instagram is broken because she cannot see Piper's nor Claire's Instagram and I feel super bad for her it breaks my heart to see how innocent Sophie is, the stories are taking down but you could find them tea pages. Like oh my gosh, send some love to Sophie guys she does not deserve this anyway back to the story)

I get out of the shower and Coco enters my room with Starbucks and a bunch of candy.

Co- "Yeah, I went a little over board,"

We laugh as she hands us our drinks as Clem and Soph start with my hair and Make-up.

Co- "So, where's Jenna?"

Me- "She is recording a new song in Ohio,"

Me- "Where is Piper?"

So- "Take a guess... like always she's with Symonne Claire and Emily, I mean not to be a brat or anything at this point she leaves me out in everything, things have changed between us. I mean we still live and everything house but sometimes it's like if I'm not even there, she's always out."

Me- "Yeah I get it, like remember when they invited us to the mall and the whole time it was like we weren't even there,"

So- "Yeah we've probably had more sleepovers than they even noticed," We laugh.

Me- "But I'm not complaining..."

So- "Yeah, me either"

We have a group hug.

Co- "Okay, now get her ready its almost 6..."


Make-up & Hair:

Make-up & Hair:

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Co- "You're ready and you're beautiful and your "date" is going to be here any minute so you better go to the lobby," (By the way just to clarify she is still in the squad and Ayden is supposingly still crushing on her)

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Co- "You're ready and you're beautiful and your "date" is going to be here any minute so you better go to the lobby," (By the way just to clarify she is still in the squad and Ayden is supposingly still crushing on her)

Me- "Thank you guys so much!"

Clem- "Okay, we will be right here when you return."

I laugh, and I walk to the lobby and find a Gavin Magnus there. He looks up from his phone.

Me- "Well, Well Gavin Magnus."

Gav- "Well, Well Aria Davis" I don't usually like people saying last name but I can make an exception.

Gav- "Shall me," extend his hand

Me- "We shall," I take his hand.

The night was full of adventure,first we went to eat at one of my favourite restaurants, he bought me flowers and snacks and even paid for my meal, he asked me how my day was, and how I really felt, I find myself opening up to him, I didn't hesitate once on the words I said. We went on a nice stroll and ended up riding the ferris wheel and Santa Monica Pier. We laughed and had one of the best times, one that I haven't had in months. After that he took me to get ice cream as we walked around Park hand in hand. He ended up taking me home around 11 p.m. and I spent the night with my girls.

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