Jophie's Promise

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A- "hey, hey,you can do this...I am right here and I am not going anywhere..." He rubs my arm

Me- "Your right...I can do this!" I enter Piper's House and go to Hayden

Me- "Hayden...we need to talk..."

Hay- "Yeah, I think we do..." We go to Piper's room, close the door and sit down in her couch.

Me- "Hayden, you are a good guy and all but I don't think-"

Hay- "You don't think you have feelings for me in that way..." I nod.

Hay- "Thank God that we feel the same," I laugh,

Me- "I mean like you are like a brother to me and well its to awkward and weird and uhh."

Hay- "Yeah... I think I like Claire..."

Me- "Oh really, I didn't notice!"

Hay- "Is it that obvious?"

Me- "Yesss!" We laugh.

Hay- "Did we make a mistake?"

Me- "I don't think so, I just think that apart of us just needed some kind of closure, you will always have a special place in my heart and hey! Who knows what the future holds..."

Hay- " this is the end of Hayria...for now at least..."

Me- "Yeah..." We hug and even cry a little, he is such a big part of my life and I don't want to lose him, but I can't lie to him either.


Tiff- "Are you guys ready?"

All the girls- "Yeah"

Hunter- "How about you, boys?"

Boys- "Yes."

So- "I still don't understand why the boys are going separately"

P- "Well unless the boys are going to buy dresses, going to the spa, and get their hair, makeup and nails done, I don't think they can come..."

Me- "Yeah, plus they cry to much."

A- "Hey!"

M- "Suck it up" We laugh.

We go to Piper's Jeep and start driving to Marie's Spa/Salon. Saxon, Brighton and Liana took Saxon's car to UDT Fashion to pick up our outfits. Sophie doesn't know what's going on. She thinks that everyone is just treating them selves. The boys are actually helping Jentzen get ready for the surprise. We enter the salon and speak to the reseptionist, we go in the spa side of the place and we put on the robes and sit down on the chairs. Tiffany and Heather walk in with our Starbucksdrinks, I get my regular Caramel Frappuccino. 8 ladies walk in and they start applying face masks on our faces. We also got massages and went in the Sauna. When we were done we went to the Salon part of the place and almost immediately they start puting our hair up and doing our make up, while the other ladies did our nails.

 When we were done we went to the Salon part of the place and almost immediately they start puting our hair up and doing our make up, while the other ladies did our nails

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