Rainy night part 2

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Me- "hey, what are you doing here?"

Ayden- "It's 12:30 am and it raining super hard, I wasn't about to just sit there and watch stranger things!"

I tear slipped as he practically yelled. I look at him.

Ayden-"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled."

Me- "No, I am sorry! I am sorry that I am such a mess! I am sorry that you have to take care of me 24/7 like if I am a stupid baby! I am sorry that you have me when you deserve better! Okay! I am just trying to figure out life! I am sorry that I am not good enough...I am sorry" I stood up.

Ayden- "Wait Aria" I run away, just like I always do. Just like I always will, when did things get so complicated? I just run I don't even know where I am running to, I just am gonna let my feet take me.

They ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, but obivously it was closed by this time it was 1:00 am. Suddenly I hear foot steps behind me.

Me- "Ayden, please just go away!"

E- "Well, it's a good thing I am not Ayden" I turn around and hug her.

Me- "I messed everything up! I should have given Jess another chance. I shouldn't have came to L.A. I shouldn't have exploded on Ayden, God he probably hates me now."

E- "Ari, you couldn't have possibly know that Jess was gonna die, and If you hadn't came here to L.A we would have never met. And Ayden doesn't hate you, he will understand. He always does all you need to do ia talk to him."

Me- "Okay..."

E- "Okay, lets go..." We walk back to Symonne's house. 

Mean while Ayden's P.O.V

I shouldn't have yelled at her. Thats all I kept tell my self. I decided that I was no longer in the mode for the sleep over. 

I got to Symonne''s house.

Me- "Guys I think I gonna go home,"

Jenna- "Why, what happened?"

Me- "Nothing, I'm just not feeling well."

P- "Okay then hopefully you feel better."

Me- "Yeah, I think I'll still go tomarrow, Good night!"

Everyone- "Good night,"

Aria's P.O.V

Emi and I arrive back to Symonne's house. Emi opened the door and we walked in. Once they hear the door open they all came up to us. Jenna hugged me and gave me a towel, Sawyer gave Emi a towel and kissed her forehead. A tear slipped down my cheek but I quickly wipped it away before any one notices.

Me- "Where's Ayden?"

Jenna- "He said he wasn't feeling well and he went home. He looked like he had been crying."

My heart sank. 

Me- "I am going to go to the bathroom and dry off,"

Sy- "Okay, If you need to use the shower go ahead..."

Me- "Thanks..."

I start to walk  to the bathroom. I hear foot steps behind me.

E- "Aria wait!" I stop.

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